The Big Loop Ride - July 20th

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Lister Farrar
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Re: The Big Loop Ride - July 20th

Post by Lister Farrar »

Congrats John et al. Sounds great.

Cant wait for a year when it doesn't conflict with something, or my back doesn't hurt, or preferably both. :(
"We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too."
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Re: The Big Loop Ride - July 20th

Post by Paula »

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Marcus and Nancy, THANKS for all the food and taking care of us.

Thanks Al and Janet (or is it Shannon, I thought it was Janet - but my brain wasn't fully functioning for most of yesterday) for the support along the route!

Thanks John for being the person up front doing the organizing.

Thanks Mark and Paul for thinking of this damn idea.

Thanks to all the folks that had to wait for me in the 'drop' group and didn't make me feel bad about it and kept encouraging me.

Thanks Martin and Rooks for circling back and being part of my own support team to get me up that last damn hill! And thanks to Andrew for the chocolate liquid gel at the top that allowed me to keep up on the way down. Are you sure that stuff is legal??

And then Peter. THANKS THANKS THANKS PETER! You constantly came back to give me your wheel and pull me into the group and put me in the safety of the middle. (And you said no one ever gets dropped from the middle; I am sorry to say I proved you wrong :cry:) But really, it was amazing to get on your wheel and get back with the group, yet again. Thanks for your persistence. I am sure you were a border collie in a former life!

That was pretty frigging hard. Over 40 km longer than any distance I have previously ridden. And to add to that, I realized after when I thought about who I was riding with, I don't even ride with most of you on a regular TS ride as you are too fast. Okay, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, why didn't I realize that earlier?! Sorry if I kept you back too much. I really appreciate your patience. Beer on me (and Hoyne) at the xmas party :D

What a great bunch.
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Re: The Big Loop Ride - July 20th

Post by esilnarson »

Hi Marcus, I'll swing by after 6:00 to pick up my Musette (not a satchel :wink: )

Brian E
AJ Neale
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Re: The Big Loop Ride - July 20th

Post by AJ Neale »

I'd like to echo the words of appreciation and add my thanks to all of the support crew ... we couldn't have had so much fun without all of the time and effort you spent on our behalf. And thanks to Dave for the photos too.

Paula, the chocolate gels are indeed legal, in fact everything chocolate is good for you. You can now say that you have ridden more than 120 km! I laughed at your description of Peter and his previous life as a border collie....he's just bigger and friendlier!

Lastly, I have to apologize to Alan C ( and ? ) for "hogging" the front on the wonderful fast descent into Mesachie after the long climb out of Port Renfrew; Brian and I spent about a minute longer than we probably should have but we were smiling and having too much fun to peel back.

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Re: The Big Loop Ride - July 20th

Post by AlW »

Just a quick thank you to the group for the card and the token of gratitude. It was unexpected but very much appreciated.

The loop is a great motorcycle route, so being able to ride it while helping out a bunch of crazy people made for a great day. Hopefully I can join the madness next year.
