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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:30 pm
by barton bourassa
Hi everyone. Looks like we have 20 people paid up and ready to ride. I'll have your tickets waiting for you at the ferry at 5:30 on Sunday. Should be so much fun!! John D will drive ahead to the park gates and pay the park entry fee. Please make sure you stop at the gate and id yourself as a Tripleshot riders.

If you have not paid yet and are coming along, just give John $5 US of the Canadian equivalent when you see him on the ferry and and he will pay your park entrance fee along with all the others.

John has a vehicle with co-pilot Greg. You can throw backpacks and other things you don't want to carry on the ride up in the back of the truck.

Here is a note I received from Loretta from Olympic National Park:

We need to insure this event can be managed safely. The group must maintain spacing of no more than four bicyclists in a group while riding, single file. This will allow cars to pass. Riders will need to wear helmets and will need lights for the tunnels. Of course, all rules of the road must be obeyed - including the speed limit, for downhill riders. And although the fee will be pre-paid, riders will need to stop at the entrance station, not ride around it and not pass any car waiting in line.

Sound good? Hopefully this event will go smoothly and can be repeated in future years!

Loretta Commet

Revenue & Fee Business Manager

PLEASE pay close attention to her instructions and request. They may be watching. Represent the club proudly folks!!

See you Sunday!

Here is the list of names that I have that have paid:
1. Dylan Reeves $25.00
2. Michael Skinner $25.00
3. Greg Miller $25.00
4. Paul Christopher $25.00
5. Barton Bourassa $25.00
6. Blair Robertson $25.00
7. Stephane Tran $25.00
8. Geoffrey Wong $25.00
9. Shawn McKean $25.00
10. Simon Pearson $25.00
11. Andrea Robson $25.00
12. Hugh Hart $25.00
13. Michelle Dann $25.
14. Mary
15. Brent Scofield
16. Marcus
17. Steve Rookes

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:54 pm
by Richard Willcox
Hey, Looking to join in on the ride on Sunday.
Looks like I've left it too late, anyone that can't go want to sell their ticket let me know.
250-208 5073
Thanks Richard

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:43 pm
by Pedro2.0
Hi Barton
I paid online yesterday afternoon. See you at the ferry sunday morning.
Peter Lorentsen

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:28 pm
by bill
See you all Sunday morning!

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:37 pm
by bikehart
Hey all I am back from the camping and have turned off the cart so registration is now closed. Here is the full list of those who have paid and for how many.

Andrea Robson 1
Simon Pearson 1
Shawn McKean 1
Geoffrey Wong 1
Stephane Tran 1
Blair Robertson 1
Barton Bourassa 1
Paul Christopher 1
Greg Miller 1
Michael Skinner 1
Dylan Reeves 1
James Pauly 2
Brent Scofield 1
Michael Arensen 2
mary griffin 1
Peter Lorentsen 1
Dave Spiers 1
David Hill 3
Marcus Gill 1
steve rookyard 1
Bill Ethier 1
Bikehart 1

If we missed anyone please let me know? See you all on Sunday...

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:56 pm
by barton bourassa
Thank you very much Hart!!! See you Sunday.


Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:16 am
by beegull
It looks like I won't be able to make it to Hurrican RIdge after all (sick kid). If anyone wants my ticket/slot, let me know by sending me a PM.


Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:09 pm
by barton bourassa
26 return tickets for foot passenger and bicycle have been purchased. I will be there at 5:30 tomorrow morning with tickets in hand. The passenger ticket area does not open till 5:30 at the earliest.

The weather looks ok for tomorrow. Chance of a drizzle in the AM with a high of 60 F. Jackets, leggings and gloves might be nice for the ride down. Don't forget we have a support vehicle that you can put a change of warm clothing in and anything else you think you might need.

We will have water, gator aid crystals, oranges, bananas, cliff bars in the support vehicle. There is also a restaurant and small store at the top.

Is there anything else I am missing? Let me know!!

See you all tomorrow!


Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:20 pm
by spearson
Leaving switchbridge at 4:55 (give or take 5mins) if anyone is biking down to the ferry.

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:58 pm
by Andrew
Any chance a last minute straggler can be added?

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:03 pm
by Greg Miller
Don't forget your Passport!

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:12 pm
by Greg Miller
What a day! This is what Tripleshot is all about - a great range of people with an equally wide range of goals and accomplishments. Inspiring to see new riders make the challenge, and veterans like old Dylan and Stephane pushing an impressive clip. And some of Lister's youngsters too! Pretty cool to see. Great job and thanks to John D and Dave S. for organizing.

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:15 pm
by Greg Miller
More photos

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:19 pm
by Greg Miller
Go Barton!

Thanks too to Barton for organizing and buying the tickets. What an impressive guy - just recovering from his deer incident, then this Wednesday is right-hooked by a car and totals his bike and bruised all up, and there he is all smiles while cooking it up the ridge... And then he wanted to do it again?!

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:22 pm
by Greg Miller
more photos

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:23 pm
by Greg Miller
Family outing - TS style

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:47 pm
by wonger
Thanks to all for a great day out.

Thanks John and Greg for manning the service vehicle all day.
Thanks to Dave for the vehicle and getting to the ferry early to get it onboard.
Thanks to Barton for organizing the tickets and a bunch of other stuff.
Thanks to Sig for staying late and brining the truck back.
Thanks to everyone for the company.

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:05 pm
by Richard Willcox
Could not have picked a better day!

Thanks everyone for making it happen, lets plan on a repeat next year.

Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:14 pm
by John D
Sincere thanks to all those who helped out. Special shout-outs to Barton, Dave, Greg, Sig, and Simon (the latter for offering to throw himself on a grenade that luckily never had the pin pulled...inside joke).

Thanks too, to the 26 brave souls who accepted the challenge and "Rode the Ridge"! We had a great mix of newbies, oldies, juniors, and Barton (who was actually singing as he passed Greg and I at the half-way point).

Next year's target: 50 TSC riders.


Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:53 am
by shawn
What a day! Thanks so much to everyone who organized and who rode. The support was much appreciated. Thanks also to my big bottle of Aleve :)