Race Games Idea

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Lister Farrar
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Lister Farrar »

Race games are on for B2 riders this Friday at 5:55 at Oak Bay High. Ideally, 12 riders. Matt and Brenna coaching.

Last weeks game of spotting a break a few seconds, then organising the break and chase groups, had tons of challenge, but the groups were getting it by the end. So seems like a good challenge.

About the game:

Breaks and Chases is a bit artificial, but it's on purpose to focus on the challenge of organizing a group to work together at speed, over what you'd do in regular pace line ride. In a race you could just jump across the gap to the attackers as fast as you can, but that's called bridging. Chasing is about organizing the group to chase. Sometimes it's not even to catch the break right away. It could be to hold them at a gap until they get tired, then catch them and send a counter attack.

So if a lead chaser goes a little too hard, and gaps #2 rider, what does that do to the chase? Well, it means that #2 is getting tired from pushing wind also, instead of resting in the leaders draft so they can pull when the leader is done. So what to do? First, dont surge and let the #2 tell you if it's too fast or too slow. If you're #2, ignore the surging rider, let him pull away, pull past the relief line (previous leader), and swing over. Surging guy will either come back, or if he gets across, will have done it in a very expensive way, energy-wise.

It happens all the time in real races. So rather than get annoyed at the mistake, contribute to the cooperating chase mates and chances are you'll be ahead of the solo bridger/surger by the end. In more advanced races, teams do allocate a team mate to tail contenders when they try to bridge. But i'm talking here about someone that just overcooks leading the chase by mistake.

We also found short fast pulls worked better, not so much to share the work, but because some chasers get antsy waiting for their turn on the front. Typically a constantly rotating paceline requires people to be at a similar level, but it also works well in the early stages to establish the chase effort. Then if the pace is too much, sit on, and swear you'll buy coffee and not sprint if they don't drop you. :)

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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Paula »

Thanks Matt and Breanna!

It WAS a lot of fun. There is something about being pursued or pursuing that adds a certain intense level of excitement and pizazz to the regular Friday morning ride. I’m super keen to do this again!

If you are thinking about it, but not sure - try it!
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Paula »

Will this be happening again this Friday - June 29?

I know there are more riders who want to give it a go.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Fozzy »

Brenna & Matt have said that they will continue on with the race games on Friday morning for the B3 group.
I did it last week, and had a blast. It is a great exercise for group organization and communication, and a good workout to boot.
Please let me know who is interested.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Ann »

I’m interested, Neil.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Paula »

I’m in, if there is space.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by shawn »

I'm hoping to make it out for this! Thanks very much for putting it on.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Jill »

I'd like to give it a shot!
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by L2R »

I'm interested as well :)
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Rolf »

I had a lot of fun this morning! Thanks to Brenna and Matt and the rest of you for roping me in in the parking lot, and then pulling, pushing, and generally kicking butt all morning. I saw a few folks gritting their teeth, riding out of their skins, and exceeding their own expectations.

It struck me that cutting the ride into segments like that and then having very defined and immediate performance goals (chase/stay away) are fantastic ways to push your body physically—without the same mental load of hanging off the back of a challenging group ride for an hour with your tongue hanging out.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by L2R »

That was a blast! Thanks so much to Brenna and Matt and to all my team members that encouraged me to push through the pain. It was the best and most fun workout I have had in awhile!
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by shawn »

Thanks, TSC, Brenna and Matt. It was great to practise using tactics that can be used to protect riders on your "team," to learn ways to capitalize on riders' different strengths, and to use moments of weakness on the other side to advantage! I enjoyed it a lot and would love a repeat!

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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by myboys »

What a blast. Thanks Brenna, and Matt. A ton of fun. Didn’t know what to expect, except it would be hard, and it was. But didn’t know it would be such a hoot. Highly recommend it for anyone coming out regularly to rides. Can’t believe this is what my $30 membership buys me; coaching, AND awesome rides.
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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Fozzy »

Hello all

We are pleased to announce that we are going to run the race games over the next 3 Fridays on the B rides starting this Friday 17th.
The format will be the same as last time using our excellent coaches Brenna and Matt.
So if you didn't get chance last time, you now have the opportunity to try this time.


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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by Fozzy »

Don’t forget that the race games are on tomorrow. B2 riders this week. If you’ve not done this ride before, it’s great fun.

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Re: Race Games Idea

Post by bikehart »

Thanks so much for a great session today, great to ride with you all!!!
