Wednesday Hills

Organize unscheduled rides

Moderator: mfarnham

Posts: 744
Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:54 am
Location: Saanich

Re: Wednesday Hills

Post by Claire »

So in absence of information to the contrary, I'll tell anyone who asks that the ride notionally starts at 6:05 in Caddy Bay.

Thanks, John!
Posts: 121
Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:57 am

Re: Wednesday Hills

Post by sskrobek »

Well nice to see some interest in the Wednesday hill ride. I pop into oak bay high parking lot at 6:05 since it's on my way,occasionally I am surprised but happy to find another rider or two. I try to regroup with everyone after the last climb up Sinclair then travel to Tolmie as a group, but with no set start time/location I find most riders on their own schedule. 6:05 at the base of caddy would work for me, and yes coffee please. Steve. S.