(provide a playlist for the evening that doesn't suck, Mike E is providing the music playing equipment)
1. Alan Boden - helped with it last year...
(4:00 - 6:00)
1. Paula
2. M Whiticar
3. Kenji
4. Alan Boden
Clean Up
(11:00 - 12:00)
1. Neil
2. Jim Wallace
3. Louise Wallace
4. Amy
Slide Show
(collect/compile images from members and others, set to music, make us look heroic. Includes sourcing projector and laptop)
1. Calgary Steve
Pot Luck - ALL who want to eat bring food
(Kristin has volunteered to coordinate the potluck stuff - but she will need people to help her out - especially at the start of the night and during the night to set-up the pot luck table and keep an eye on it if it needs some utensils, organization etc)
1. Claire M
2. Garth
3. Neil
4. Eric
(Tickets are on sale online, but will also be available at the door - so we need people to take turns at the door selling tickets and checking people off the list who have bought tickets, and selling door prize tickets)
1. Stéphane
2. Paul C.
3. Rich M.
2015 Tripleshot Xmas Party
Moderator: mfarnham