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Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:44 pm
by sylvan
Y'all gotta admit these are kind of first world problems you "A" riders are dealing with. On those rare occasions these days when I am priviliged with the opportunity to attend a Tripleshot ride, my biggest fear is being ridiculed and BULLIED over my weight problem. Not to mention any offenders by name. DAVE!!!! SPIERS!!!! Obviously my A-riding days have long since passed. It used to be fun to try to suck enough wheel to make it all the way to Beacon Hill. Otherly-affiliated dudes like Bob Cameron have kicked ass in Tripleshot A rides forever and we welcome that because they're cool cats. If somebody drops a less than tactful remark in the heat of intensity during a ride we should probably keep in mind that one's IQ likely loses 20-30 points in response to the massive buildup of lactic acid metabolites. FYI everybody: the aforementioned Bob Cameron is in the friggin hospital right now with a broken leg suffered on some horrific, barren ice field in Greenland and we're griping about smack talk in the A ride. I think I'm going to cry here. I wish Bob a rapid and complete recovery and I wish everybody could just get along :cry:

Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:12 pm
by katew
steve wrote:At that price, I was happy if the executive spent the money on illicit drugs for themselves...
Awesome! 'Coz that's the only way I'll *ever* be able to handle the A ride. :)

Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:22 pm
by jbenskin
Just have to say that I whole heartedly endorse the posts by Kevin, josh, Trev, and mike. Long live the A ride in its current format!

Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:39 pm
by BikeGuy
Josh.E wrote:It's never been a group ride. I've been riding A since it's inception.
Well, technically first there was just one ride -- the Spin Doctors ride, which Tripleshot crashed and took over. Then there was A and B (and B was more like C is now). Then the A+ drop ride got added. Then it died off one winter. Then A became the drop ride and B became the old A. There there was B1 and B2 and maybe even B3 but I don't know much about that. And Barton always makes sure there is a C ride. Then we had to do drills, but that didn't last long. I think at one point we were going to rename the rides after Animals.

I don't really have a point.

Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 6:54 pm
by Josh.E
BikeGuy wrote:
Josh.E wrote:It's never been a group ride. I've been riding A since it's inception.
Well, technically first there was just one ride -- the Spin Doctors ride, which Tripleshot crashed and took over. Then there was A and B (and B was more like C is now). Then the A+ drop ride got added. Then it died off one winter. Then A became the drop ride and B became the old A. There there was B1 and B2 and maybe even B3 but I don't know much about that. And Barton always makes sure there is a C ride. Then we had to do drills, but that didn't last long. I think at one point we were going to rename the rides after Animals.

I don't really have a point.
Great post. Probably exactly the interjection this way too serious thread needed.

Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:17 pm
by barton bourassa
Cute cartoon!

I think it is always really good to have these discussions, online, in person, at coffee! It is good! Air a few issues, talk, fight a bit, make up and ride!


Re: Thinking about A rides

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:57 am
by John D
Thanks for the history lesson BikeGuy! I've been waiting to jump in, but wanted to let others voice their opinions first. As most of you know, the only time I ride “A” is during the 10 seconds or so that it takes the A group to overtake the C ride on Ash every Friday. :wink:

The fact that Tripleshot’s A-ride has become "the place to be" on Fridays if you're fast is a good thing for the club. It gives our top riders someone to play with and our up-and-coming riders something to aspire to. From the amount of attention this thread has generated it's clear that people are quite passionate about the Friday A ride, too - which is also a good thing.

For insurance purposes, people choosing to ride with us on a regular basis (or any other club in the city for that matter) are expected to become club members. Cycling BC defines “a regular basis” as being more than twice. So, if you plan to continue riding with us please sign up for a Tripleshot membership though our website. As Steve points out, at $30 it’s a pretty good buy!

As to the “cultural” side of things, I completely understand that many of us can’t always make it to coffee due to family and work commitments, or the particular location of our weekday coffee hangout. That said, I would still say that the A ride has been noticeably under-represented at coffee in recent months. If that’s because non-members don’t feel welcome then that needs to change, too. Tripleshot prides itself on being the most inclusive club in the city – so I encourage everyone to join in for coffee whenever they can.
