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Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:25 pm
by norman marcy
To the Management
a couple more question pls

As we ride in the dark for much of the year, is there any chance of specking some reflective tape or reflective piping on the edge of the pockets in the back or even better on the vest? and on the edges of the zippers on the leg warmers???

is the double stripe on the bottom of the arm warmer intended to be on both sleeves or just on one ??

thanks Norman

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:44 pm
by Lister Farrar
norman marcy wrote:PS What is 3S association with IRC as sponsor??
IRC approached us with an offer of $1000 towards our junior program. We accepted. :)

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:35 pm
by steve

That is a very classy gesture on the part of IRC. Nice to see that all the hard work you are putting into the junior program is not only getting great results but also getting some recognition.


Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:23 am
by the management
norman marcy wrote:is the double stripe on the bottom of the arm warmer intended to be on both sleeves or just on one ??
trevor wrote:Question: the all back long sleeve piece on the pdf (truly stunning btw), is that the "Custom CS Tech Fleece Jacket"?
The jacket design will be applied to all jackets - windguard jacket, thermoshield winter jacket, CS Tech Fleece jacket etc. The vest design will be applied to all vests - windguard vest, Thermoshield vest etc.

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:48 pm
by leftcoaster
when a(nother) new design was considered and the word was that it would tie into the old ones a little (argyle & blue), I was hoping it would be something more like this, though obviously with TS instead of Garmin and enough modifications to avoid any design/trademark issues. I would be proud to wear something like that.........

What do the rest of you think of the general design/layout/colour idea?


Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:21 am
by Rolf
I think I'm proud to wear something that says Tripleshot because of what the name stands for. My pride has nothing to do with what my costume looks like.

I also think the exec took great pains to give everyone a fair hearing, worked hard to come up with a beautiful design and successfully laid to rest the issue of "What should our costumes look like?" for at least the next year.

I also think it's handy that Garmin sells their jersey to the public and that with some medical tape and a Sharpie, you could change it into a Tripleshot jersey. :D

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:22 pm
by leftcoaster
If you re-read the posts on the subject Rolf, the concensus was to stick to one of the other versions - black or baby blue (which received the most votes), or perhaps a slight update of the blues because a couple didn't like the pink argyle.

On TS rides there is often three TS kits (if Allan, David Hill, Bill, Norm or the Lawless boys break out the reds), and now we're adding a completely different one??

My suggestion for the Garmin wasn't to slavishly copy it, but, as many posts had requested, update the blues.

And you would be surprised how many TS members are shaking their heads about the new,
ummm, look.

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:34 pm
by the management
So, without wishing to be too dictatorial (!) might I suggest that we close the discussion on other alternatives for kit? We had a pretty long back and forth a few months ago about blue vs. black and we ultimately decided to invest in a new look going forward that tried to embrace the positives of both without alientating the propoents of either. I think the new kit has done just that and I personally am keen to be sporting the new gear.

Ultimately the decision has been made and the new look is exactly that - the new look. We will not be further changing it for colour or style etc. What you see is what you get. remember we can always elect to NOT buy it if we really dont like it.

So while absolutely respecting everyone's right to voice their opinion might I suggest that the sooner we all embrace a unified theory of cycling gear (i.e. the new kit) the better off we will all be?


p.s. I still ocassionally rock out in the original beige argyle so i am the proud owner of (soon) FIVE Tripleshot Kits - ALL of which I feel reflect the best club in the city!


Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:32 pm
by Stéphane Tran
leftcoaster wrote:On TS rides there is often three TS kits (if Allan, David Hill, Bill, Norm or the Lawless boys break out the reds), and now we're adding a completely different one??
I don't see that as a problem. We always have an array of colours on our group rides. I have never been on a TS ride where everyone is wearing the same kit.

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:14 pm
by leftcoaster
Hey Stephane -

Peter wrote..........
So, without wishing to be too dictatorial (!) might I suggest that we close the discussion on other alternatives for kit
However wrong (I think) the executive is in choosing a whole new design and this one in particular, its over....

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:19 am
by Andrew
Nice work on the kit, it looks great. Thanks Geoff and all involved. I think this issue was well handled. I am a bit concerned about the dark back of the kit which will be less visible. In the end it is about the club not the kit.

Re: ta DAH!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:54 am
by norman marcy
Again could some reflective stuff be specked on the vest, shorts and leg warmers?? a bit of that was on the black kit leg warmer zipper area

all black is fine on the rugby pitch but not on the road