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Saturday Dec 24

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:46 pm
by sylvan
I'm out. I just wanted to start a thread with 20+ posts. Actually my muskles are cramping and twitching from today's double ride and I'm liable to injure myself if I don't back off. Have fun! Merry Christmas! See you Tuesday...

Re: Saturday Dec 24

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:52 pm
by glenowyn
Paula and Jane you both should come out. Its not a hammerfest ride, just because those names are attached They will make sure everyone stays together. I will be there tomorrow morning and I hope I get to see you both

Re: Saturday Dec 24

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:19 pm
by leftcoaster
Al, if it was hammerin' we would hit Matticks around 6:55. This will probably be a few minutes behind that time.

Re: Saturday Dec 24

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:05 pm
by Jane Victoria
Hey Paula cool. Sounds good.
Hopefully I can keep up with you two!

Re: Saturday Dec 24

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:01 pm
by barton bourassa
Well with all the chatter and what appeared to be the possibility of a fairly large group ride for a Saturday 6 AM, there were only 6 of us leaving the coffee shop. We picked up Dylan along the way. By the time we got to Sydney we were down to 6. Before we hit W Saanich Rd Dylan had his rear deraileur break off, exactly what happened to John D last Sunday! So we were down to 5. By this point I was hanging on at the back and we stayed together all the way to the Trestle at the Gorge.

After 3 weeks of building my legs are very tired! Time for a rest and recovery week.

I must say again, if you are a B rider you can do this ride. If you want to come out on Saturday, I strongly recommend that you take it easy on Friday, come ride with the Cs and have the discipline to stick to the C pace. Then you will have the legs to hang on a least till Landsend and W Saaanich and that nasty double hill heading south. Remember, on most Saturdays this is a drop ride. If you fall off, well, that is it! But you likely won't be alone, especially up the hill at the start of W Saanich Rd. In the summer and early fall I saw the ride split in two at that point with the really fast guys flying up the hill and a second bunch regrouping at the top of the hill and hammering it back to town. It is a great challenge and a really good ride.

Merry Christmas! Ride strong! Stay upright!!