BC Bike Race/Kazlaw Mountain Biking Award: Vote for Glenowyn

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Re: BC Bike Race/Kazlaw Mountain Biking Award: Vote for Glen

Post by jeremy »

Looks like Glen ended up winning :D :D :D Have fun, and watch out for bears :shock:

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Re: BC Bike Race/Kazlaw Mountain Biking Award: Vote for Glen

Post by glenowyn »

Thank you so much for reading the posts and voting. I am super happy be doing the race and to have a received an entry this way, even though it was full of anxiety. To have moved from 7th to 1st spot is pretty amazing. Going through the process is something I will never forget and I will draw on when the dark clouds come. Asking for support and having it come from unexpected places was gratifying.

When the poll came out and I was in 7th spot I wanted to bury my head and run away. The same day Geoff sent me the email. I realized that if Kate and Geoff wrote what they believed was true and were backing me I had to I had to accept it and believe in myself.

I will be dong the race with Katie and Roland as well as my brother and one of the guys from Port I have grown up with. I have taken out Roland's competition for one arm mountainbikers but maybe there will be others in the race. I will come one ride morning bearing nanaimo bars.
Thank you for being the supportive group Triple Shot is being there for members to go after opportunities and supporting them for whatever the outcome is. My yoga quote last week was " What gives light must endure burning. " Victor Frankl xox
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Re: BC Bike Race/Kazlaw Mountain Biking Award: Vote for Glen

Post by RyanC »

Congrats, Glen! You deserved this. Now go kick some @ss for us.

BTW, we need to get you an appropriate avatar. Let the voting/ vetting begin!

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Re: BC Bike Race/Kazlaw Mountain Biking Award: Vote for Glen

Post by Rolf »

Right on, Glen! Almost 400 people thought you were more deserving of recognition for being awesome than a bunch of other awesome people. That's gotta feel good. :D

Hope you have a wicked week riding your guts out. And I hope you don't share your tent with a bear. :wink:
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Re: BC Bike Race/Kazlaw Mountain Biking Award: Vote for Glen

Post by Roland »

As reported by Alberni Valley Times: http://www2.canada.com/albernivalleytim ... e181ea282f
compete: 1620, from Fr. compéter "be in rivalry with"