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Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:29 am
by RyanC
Although I am likely going to save my legs for the crit, I want to pipe in on the whole argument about cost. It irritates me when I hear this kind of complaining. I have to say that even when you run a not-for-profit race, you have huge overhead costs to cover, not the least of which are
  • Insurance (perhaps Rolf can back me up when I say waivers for the general public aren't worth the paper their printed on. Insurance companies probably know this and charge accordingly)

    Publicity costs

    Emergency support services (which I'll bet charge premium in the case of a for-profit event). I believe a number of municipalities with separate attached costs are involved. I would like to hear Kim Gard chime in on the costs of N2V as a non-profit event.

    Race purse $$ to attract a better field to Bob's race and, hence, build support for subsequent year's events.

I still recall that it cost a club I was with about $5k to put on a crit around BC place back in the '90s. And as club members, we had to pay up front out of pocket hoping to recoup on the day. I imagine heavy promotional costs are justifiable in any case to ensure adequate turn out.

I support the cost from a practical point of view, not from a point of consumer value. If it is as successful an event as i suspect it will be, we'll all benefit. Let's be honest. Cycling's popularity ain't what it used to be and I am sure very few bodies, public or private, are interested in taking a lost leader. If we want a celebrity with a great image to help us promote riding, we shouldn't complain about cost. I think public will gladly put out the money to be part of this event. I hear non-cyclist buzzing about it already.

Your thoughts? Sylvan?

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:16 am
by Rolf
Thanks, Ryan. You've raised some aspects to the event I hadn't thought of and which help me understand the entry fee a little better. I've never doubted that these events are costly and a huge effort for the very worthy organizers.

But your reference to the intangible benefits of the event is especially persuasive. If this event succeeds and the Victoria public generally adopts and accepts an annual gran fondo, it will only help when it comes to future policy decisions which may affect TripleShot or anyone doing group rides.

In the future, for example, councillors considering something like our submissions regarding road closures in Beacon Hill Park, or an application for road closures to accommodate a new race, will have in the back of their minds the television images of thousands of lycra-clad, TdV riders swarming Victoria's streets. Road cyclists, as a special-interest group, will be perceived as a larger constituency and benefit accordingly.

Frankly, I can't think of a better way than the Tour de Victoria to translate Ryder's professional success into increased uptake, acceptance and promotion of road cycling in Victoria.

I'm starting to see the value of $175, beyond my subjective ride experience on the day.

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:26 am
by Lister Farrar
The date is a conflict with the traditional date of the BC High School mtb championships. That event hasn't been announced yet, but would be a priority for me and some of the juniors.

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:41 am
by sylvan
Rolf wrote:But your reference to the intangible benefits of the event is especially persuasive. If this event succeeds and the Victoria public generally adopts and accepts an annual gran fondo, it will only help when it comes to future policy decisions which may affect TripleShot or anyone doing group rides.
Yeah, this could be pretty huge. One of the casualties of this new event is the Sooke Road Race, at least for this year, but I completely support the focus on the Ryder ride for now. Once it gets established - hopefully with a sanctioned, competitive race division - it could eventually have its own weekend with a separate, traditional 3-day TT/Sooke/Bastion race weekend.

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:42 am
by sylvan
RyanC wrote:Your thoughts? Sylvan?
+1. Full agreement.

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:47 am
by AlW
RyanC wrote:I have to say that even when you run a not-for-profit race, you have huge overhead costs to cover, not the least of which are
I don't think anyone is disputing the fact that it takes a substantial amount of time and money to put on an event like this, and in the end, recouping costs is not guaranteed.
RyanC wrote:If we want a celebrity with a great image to help us promote riding, we shouldn't complain about cost.
Valid point, but that begs the question: You are ok with the $175 entry fee, but would you pay $1000? I suspect not. There is always a point where consumer value trumps practical value and it's up to each individual to determine what that point is.

I have a certain amount of money that I'm going to spend on cycling events this year, so decisions have to be made as to where it goes. Do I go for the celebrity backed one day event or do I continue to support ongoing local events (VCL, BC Masters) whose organizers work equally hard to promote riding throughout the year?

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:48 am
by Lister Farrar
I think Ryan and Rolf are right about the potential impact on cycling, though that can go both ways if it doesn't go well.

Also, the 'race or not race' image is probably a function of the nature of roads here and the first year of the event. The organizers will have to walk a pretty narrow line between encouraging the physical and interpersonal challenge by keeping times, and the perception of authorities that a 'race' is more 'dangerous' than a 'ride'. (Which is dubious given that races have riders with similar abilities in them and rarely have serious accidents, and mass events have a broad range including low level bike handlers and heart attack candidates. (None of which I have stats for other than anecdotes from Vancouver to Whistler)). Particularly on roads that will be difficult to close with so many cross roads and driveways.

How the first year goes will have a big effect, but could also raise questions. How many of us would have predicted the rolling closure of the first N to V, and blowing through Victoria like the tour de france? But now the lasting power of that format seems to be in doubt. And triathlon was equally unlikely when it started, and look at that. Way healthier state than cycling.

On the other hand, riding with a really large number of other people is a rare event, and probably the best consumer level argument for entering. And, it's likely to hook a whole bunch of people into group riding when they see cooperative groups going by.

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:01 am
by JohnT
I don't think there's harm in apprehension when it comes to high registration fees. Ryan makes a good argument for the benefits of such an event, but that doesn't mean any cost is justifiable. The Whistler Gran Fondo was great, they got many more riders than expected and must have made a nice profit. However, it seems to me that they (Whistler GrandFondo people) interrepted a sold-out event as a missed opportunity for profit rather than a sign of a successfull contribution to the community.

By comparison:

The Bodensee Rundfarht/Radmarathon is a 220 km ride/race that runs through three countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). It costs 41 Euros, 6 Euros if you are under 16. Just as much support and swag as the Whistler GranFondo.

The Giro de Sardengna race is 150 Euro for seven days!

VCL is $5 or $10 per race.

Triple Shot (with it's fair share of celebrities) - Priceless


Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:18 am
by Rolf
JohnT wrote:
Triple Shot (with it's fair share of celebrities) - Priceless

Registration for the Tour de Victoria is NOW OPEN!! You don't have to wait until noon. And there is an Early Bird rate of $150, plus a VIP rate of $750 to have dinner with a tall, skinny, former mountain-biker, and then follow him down an "exclusive start chute" -- which for that price I assume means you get to jump out of a plane and tandem-parachute with Ryder, right onto your bike at the start line. :D

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:28 am
by shawnc
I think the real outrage here is that there's no hill climb. :evil:

But count me in for the crit!

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:44 am
by wonger
shawnc wrote:I think the real outrage here is that there's no hill climb
That made me laugh so hard the brick fell off my bike!

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:10 pm
by Paul C.
OK ...TRIPLESHOT GUYS AND GALS, I know most of you are not competitive people, but are we going for a new record for the most posts on one topic???

Who is in for the 2011 cycling triple crown??/ 140km, 6.5 TT and Bastion???? I am considering it.

But for now I am getting away from this screen, going riding and then going to get more work for 2011................... to pay all my entry fees, bike upgrades and more Tripleshot race- kit clothing!!! cheers pc

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:26 pm
by leftcoaster
I've been looking at the information and, even though timing chips are used, the ride includes a stretch on the goose.

Is this a race, or is it just a large group ride led by a tall skinny guy?

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:34 pm
by Kevin F
I paid my $168 as entrant number 60 at few minutes before twelve today. Since it is not a race I won't have to worry about having a 100 or so people in front of me at the end! :D

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:29 pm
by Jane Victoria
FYI Early Bird Registration is $150...

Re: Ryder's Tour de Victoria Registration Opens Mon. Jan.10-

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:40 pm
by Der Radfahrer
Hey guys, Jon Watkin here.

Glad to see that a lot of you have registered for the Ryder Hesjedal Tour de Victoria. I am pleased to see that we have had an amazing response overall and I hope that many of you will also be racing in the Dallas Road TT and Bastion Square Grand Prix that same weekend.

All of the mentioned events fall under the Victoria International Cycling Festival, a registered non-profit society. Portion of proceeds for Tour de Victoria will be going to the "Right to Play" initiative and Ryder's own "Wheelmen Ride Bicycles" to help cycling development across the country. With expected Tour de Rock - Cops for Cancer participation, we hope to see some excellent fundraising for this as well.

We are always pursuing sponsorship opportunities, so if any of you have any good leads, we have strong local media support as well as a partnership with Tourism Victoria, thus ensuring good exposure and a brand recognition.

Spread the word so we can get 1500 strong at the TdV start line!

Thank you

Jon Watkin
Victoria International Cycling Festival