- Insurance (perhaps Rolf can back me up when I say waivers for the general public aren't worth the paper their printed on. Insurance companies probably know this and charge accordingly)
Publicity costs
Emergency support services (which I'll bet charge premium in the case of a for-profit event). I believe a number of municipalities with separate attached costs are involved. I would like to hear Kim Gard chime in on the costs of N2V as a non-profit event.
Race purse $$ to attract a better field to Bob's race and, hence, build support for subsequent year's events.
I still recall that it cost a club I was with about $5k to put on a crit around BC place back in the '90s. And as club members, we had to pay up front out of pocket hoping to recoup on the day. I imagine heavy promotional costs are justifiable in any case to ensure adequate turn out.
I support the cost from a practical point of view, not from a point of consumer value. If it is as successful an event as i suspect it will be, we'll all benefit. Let's be honest. Cycling's popularity ain't what it used to be and I am sure very few bodies, public or private, are interested in taking a lost leader. If we want a celebrity with a great image to help us promote riding, we shouldn't complain about cost. I think public will gladly put out the money to be part of this event. I hear non-cyclist buzzing about it already.
Your thoughts? Sylvan?