Cross Bike Loaner?

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Cross Bike Loaner?

Post by lindsayf »

Hi everyone!

Lister has gotten me all excited to try a little bit of racing and apparently there are two cycle cross races coming up that might be a bit (or a lot) of fun. One problem - I do not have a cycle cross bike! Does anyone have one that they wouldn't mind lending to me for these races? I have no idea when or where these races are, or what I am getting myself into, but there's no time like the present! I promise to take very, very good care of your bike. :D

I am LOVING this group, by the way!

See you all next week (no rides this weekend - half marathon! eeeeeek!)

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Re: Cross Bike Loaner?

Post by mlawless »

Lindsay - "eeek" for a 1/2 marathon - surely you jest - it is the perfect race distance - long enough that you can walk if you need to and not feel bad about it because you have so many kilometers to race! Besides, you can always tell everyone that you are doing the second 1/2 so you can start tired!

Have a great race!

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Re: Cross Bike Loaner?

Post by Roland »

All the info will eventually be posted here:

The Victoria races are Oct 30th at George Kinsman Park, and the Oct 31st at Layritz Park. Other near by races are Duncan on Oct 17th and Shawnigan Lake on Nov 21st.

I strongly encourage everybody to come out and give one of these races a try. So far, I haven't heard of anybody not liking cyclocross.

What size frame do you ride? If you can't find a cyclocross bike, a hardtail mountain bike works just as well, maybe even better, depending on the course.

I'm sure we can round up enough semi-suitable bikes for anybody that wants to give it a try.

I have a 19.5" Trek 8000 hardtail mountain bike that somebody could borrow, if needed.
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Re: Cross Bike Loaner?

Post by Lister Farrar »

Lindsay, I was thinking of the Underground cross local training 'sessions' Wednesdays at 5:30 or so. Less investment, you can ride there, and see if you like it.

But if you like, the weekend Cross on the Rock series is equally fun and friendly, just farther away and more money.
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Re: Cross Bike Loaner?

Post by lindsayf »

Hi all!

Oooooh okay. Yes - maybe I will try these Wednesday night fun cyclocross (not cycle cross... teehee) rides and then see how I feel about the races. It would be fun to do the Hallowe'en weekend ones though... My road bike frame is 54 centimeters so if anyone has something relatively suitable, that would be awesome!

As for the half, I think I might end up walking a bit since running went out the window a little in the last couple of weeks since I caught the cycling bug. Oopsies! Too bad I don't have the TS vest yet. It would be kinda fun to rock the baby blue/argyle for a running race. :P

See you all soon,
