Winter Speeds

Club activities and announcements

Moderator: mfarnham

Posts: 1351
Joined: Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:17 pm

Winter Speeds

Post by Plawless »

I thought that I would weigh in on this topic and move it over from the Stats & Race Reports section (so Pooky doenst have too much to read :wink: )

I expect that during the "real" winter (ie. full dark and rain) the speeds in the slower groups wont change much. I expect that the speeds in the "fast" groups may drop but not a whole lot. I am guessing that we will decide (or Darwin will decide for us) that running a paceline in the dark & rain is not a smart idea and all the groups will be going 2Up. We will also move the "game on" spot to AFTER getting out of Hoolywood Cres.

I agree with Josh that what we will see is a reduction in attacks but I think that with such a strong group of riders the speeds will stay pretty high.

I recommend that any fast folk who believe LSD (long slow distance) rides are good for them use the winter as a great opportunity to get to know the awesome Tripleshotters in the other groups. I for one am looking forward to doing at least 1 ride per month ina slower group for exactly that purpose.

From a training perspective I would venture, however, that unless you are actually training 20-30+ hours per week the "traditional" LSD program is not for you. In my view most of us will (or would) get a greater benefit from HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) than anything else virtually regardless of season. I do not believe that we are doing so much in-season work as to require a long period of recovery / regeneration in order to get ready for the next year.

Also I think the weather will take a bunch of the "sting" out of our rides quite naturally (anyone like the pun there?) so that sticking the course will actualy have a larger benefit than riding off into the darkness on a LSD vison quest seeking speed travelling slow.
