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Post by JohnT »

Windy but dry. Leaves and stuff on the course, but no traction problems. A deer tried to cross in front of me during the warm up, but she didn't interrupt the race. Good Triple Shot turn out, though many regulars were missing (Josh, Gavin, Peter). I'll let someone else report on the B race: Al and Bryan Adams :D were there. Marcel too. Marco? Sorry, I keep forgetting.

Shawn, Bruce, Roland and I were in the A race. Bob too (a Triple Shot guy in the wrong kit).

Fairly fast start - I held on for 4 laps :? Shawn and Bruce were in the thick of it for the whole race and Roland and a Pro City guy rode around just behind the main A group after lap 5. Cory Kona checked out but dragged a young guy with him. That guy held on for about 7 lap and then rode alone in second place right up until the end. One A rider went to the sidelines at the same time I lost the pack - it was sooo tempting to follow him - 14 laps to go :shock:

Anyway, I finished (proud of that) and toward the end was motivated by invisible Roland - didn't want him to lap me. He didn't, but as you'll see when the photos are up, he got very close. Cory Kona went past twice, so I rode 16 instead of 18 laps.

Shawn was in the top ten, maybe 7th? Bruce followed Shawn around that last corner but then charged up the hill for 5th. That last sprint must have been something to see. The guy who'd been circulating in second for most of the race was in everyone's sights. One person in the chase group managed to get him at the line. Bob missed taking 3rd by inches.

Caleb Pike next week - where JT rejoins the B's :|

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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by BryanS »

The B race started at a slow pace, but shortly after picked up. The Aviawesters were deploying the "let one guy attack, while blocking the pack" strategy about six laps in, which got everyone working hard to catch Jeff, who had a huge gap at one point. For me it all went down hill from there. At about the 7th or so lap my chain fell off half way up the hill, so I stopped, reattached it,got back on the bike, and somehow managed to catch the pack again. However, in my efforts to get back with the group I cooked myself. It was a one man race from there on out :shock:
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by sylvan »

BryanS wrote:The B race started at a slow pace, but shortly after picked up.
I downloaded the data to SportTracks. It picked up on lap 5, after I'd stupidly taken a long turn on the front, 3:18, 3:20, 3:22, 3:24, 3:17 went the first 5 laps, then 3:36, oops. The less said about my race from that point, the better. It was a disgrace and I brought shame upon the club and for that, I humbly and lamely apologize and pledge to work harder in the future. :oops:

Thanks to Al for the ride home. It got really cold. Good ride out there with Matteo and four Russ Hay types.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by AdamD »

I guess i'll try my hand at a little race report:

I was feeling quite happy after a great Tuesday ride where I managed to stay with the lead guys and not get dropped at the same place I have been dropped every other ride (about 500 meters before mile 0/terry fox).
That being said the race didn’t go as well as I would have hoped. Like Bryan said the Avia guys were once again using their strategy. With about 7 or so laps to go the main A chase group came by us and the pace really picked up :cry: . Going over the second part of the hill I let the tiniest of gaps form thinking "I’ll most likely be able to close this right up on the decent", well that didn’t happen and myself and another guy were off the back and watching the crew pull away. This other fellow pulled me for an entire 4 laps without even showing any desire for me to take a turn which I was fine with. After those 4 laps we caught Steve Lund and another dropee just before the base of the first climb. We dropped the guy Steve was with on that climb and then proceeded to ride the last 3 with that same guy pulling all of them (again I was fine with this). Finally in the sprint for best of the rest of the rest I bided my time up the first hill and kicked hard up the second pulled quite far away.

John really excited for you to be racing B next week, I think you will really help us out.

P.S. Lister I used the slowing down early and take a couple hard pedal revs before the corner technique and I was generally coming out with more speed than the other guys
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by Josh.E »

Nice work everyone. 5th and 7th in the A race is an awesome result.

I was at home having birthday dinner with my daughter, who turned 7 today. Jeremy was also there.

We had cupcakes. :D
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by matteo »

Somehow I survived.
I found the pace pretty fast, I was struggling not to get dropped until my chain fell on the uphill, a couple of laps after Brian had the same problem. Unlike Brian though, I did not manage to get back into the pack.
I caught two riders and I rode a few laps with them (one is from TS, but I don't remember his name...), then I finished alone.
I had a good warm-up riding out with Sylvan, but I found it pretty tough to ride back home after the race. Good workout though!
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by jeremy »

Josh.E wrote:Nice work everyone. 5th and 7th in the A race is an awesome result.

I was at home having birthday dinner with my daughter, who turned 7 today. Jeremy was also there.

We had cupcakes. :D
I can confirm this, the cupcakes were good
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by sylvan »

Results up. Duane rocks. ... 2_2010.htm

Way to go Al, getting in for 10th again! "Tripleshot-Spinnakers" looks good in the club column. The A finish was action-packed. Bob keeled over onto his back in a ditch after going all-out in the chase for 2nd. Outstanding. Bruce's sprint for 5th was huge.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by AlW »

Brutal as usual, but finally a day where I could dispense with the leg warmers and long fingered gloves, so have to be thankful for that.

Pretty young looking B group. I was hard pressed to count more than 5 guys who looked like they over 30. For a second, I thought I had somehow wandered into the high school race.

Goals for the race were to stay with the pack for at least 3 laps (I normally get dropped after 2) and finish on the lead lap.

Mission accomplished on goal #1. Managed to hang in there for 4! Woot!

As per goal number 2, not so much. The problem with these races is that they add more laps as we get more daylight, which gives the fast guys more time to come around and get me. Last race was 11 laps and I managed to stay away. They got me on lap 12, so looks like 11 is the magic number.

Nice to see that they have me in 10th, but that's wrong. I was a lap down and I know that Brian and Mateo were in front of me, so will have to get that fixed.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by Roland »

Looks like I finished 12th of 16. I hung on for about 5 fast laps, before getting detached and spending the rest of the race working with Tom, Brian & Rob. Fastest lap was a 2:54 which is crazy.

My cornering is weak, I need one of Listers classes.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by shawnc »

I found the A race pretty grueling on the first few laps and a lot harder overall than the last time I raced it, but on the plus side I managed to stay with the lead group this time. I was usually bringing up the rear but I didn't mind too much because everyone bunches up again on the hill.

Partway through the race I broke through a pain/mental threshold and it got easier (better living through brain chemistry). On the last lap I naively thought I had a chance of taking a top spot as I was at the front going into the hill, but then the true champions exploded past me up the hill and I found out how tired I actually was.

I need some more cornering practice for sure - I would enter the turn at the same speed as everyone else, but exiting I always fell off the guy in front of me.

Someone also needs to tell the lead B's that it's not cool to draft off the A group.

Props to everyone who came out, and especially Bruce for taking fifth! :D
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by AdamD »

I would enter the turn at the same speed as everyone else, but exiting I always fell off the guy in front of me.
This could just be because after a corner the guys who go through first will accelerate before you start to accelerate. Perhaps do to physics and not your cornering but a Lister sessions would help in any case.
Someone also needs to tell the lead B's that it's not cool to draft off the A group.
I would very much appreciate this!
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by Roland »

Somebody needs to tell the Bs not to pass the As that have been dropped. It's embarrassing.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by AlW »

Results have been updated. Brian Shipley slips into the points. Well done.
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by BryanS »

Thanks for helping correct that Al
Bryan Shipley
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Re: Newton_Heights_Race_Report_June2

Post by Lister Farrar »

So cool to see all the great analysis. Can't wait to get back on the bike after this Bike to Work Week. Well done Adam, Brian and Matteo. Won't be long before I need a motorcycle to go riding with you. :)
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