Caleb Pike Race Report

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Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Josh.E »

Well, another good turnout of easter eggs.

Racing the A's, we had me, Roland, John (+ his full cheering section), and Gavin. Rita and Jen in the womens race. Jeremy came out for his first ever race in the B's. I think that was everybody.....
I didn't have much of a chance to hang around after the race and am not sure how everyone else did. All four of us in the A's managed to hang with the pack the entire race. It was faster, for sure, than a B pack, but not insanely quick. More steady, and I realized about half way through that the best place to be was in the first 3rd of the pack, so you didn't have to sprint back on after corners as the pack accordianed. Tripleshot jerseys were right in the mix the entire race, and all four of us finished with the pack. My basic strategy ended up being to keep close to Bob Cameron., which turned out great, as he ended up leading out the sprint trying to catch Cory Wallace, who had gone off solo on the last lap. I got a bit boxed in in the final sprint, but managed to end up with a 5th place finish in my first A mass start race. Pretty stoked about that. Bob just about caught Cory at the finish,but he managed to just hang on. ... _14_10.htm

I'll let everyone else report on their nights.
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Rita »

Josh, you're not just fast on the bike -- having a race report up only an hour after the race finished! Don't you have a life?

Anyway, race results are up: ... _14_10.htm

Unfortunately, they put you down in 5th position, still really sweet though. :wink:

I had a good race even though I got dropped off the B's after the 2nd lap, I found somebody who was fast on the flats, but not too fast so that I could stick to his wheel and he didn't ride off on the hills. AND, I didn't have to do any pulling. Pretty nice deal, I'd say. :P We picked up Jen and somebody else pretty early on and the four of us stuck together for most of the race.

Coming up the hill for the last time, I managed to overtake the guy who had pulled us but for sure I couldn't keep up with Jen on the uphill. We ended up in 4th and 5th position. Though, really it should be 3rd and 4th as Erinne, who came first in the women's cat is a pro and raced with the A's. Well done, Jen!

It was great to have a whole bunch of Easter Eggs out again and to have John's family and Geoff cheering! Triple Shot rocks! 8)
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Josh.E »

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Rita »

Hey Josh,

that guy got a bit touchy-feely after the finish line, didn't he? (see picture 129 on the photo link above). Well done for staying upright!
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Roland »

This does not look proper:
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Josh.E »

Yeah, I was getting pretty pinched between him and that guy in the pro city kit as we came to the line, which was too bad, as I was feeling like I had enough to go by both of them. They were both sort of riding on an angle toward eachother, and I was caught in the middle. We touched bars as I threw my bike forward to try to get around him, and he sort of turned into me as his bars got hit.
It was all totally accidental.
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Roland »

Judging from the pictures I was 13th (14th if you count Erinne), which I think is pretty good for my 2nd race with the As. Here are my stats:

We averaged 38km/h which I think is pretty good for that course. Hit a max of 72.2km/h.

Does anybody have stats from B races last year? I wonder how the speeds compare.
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by JohnT »

It was a fun race. Satisfying because it appears we're competitive in A - in Josh's case more than competitive. My final lap didn't go the way I'd hoped. I knew we were on what was supposed to be the last lap, but the marker board showed 2 to go and there was no bell. I didn't commit when the attacks began just in case we were sent around again - He who hestitates ...... That's my excuse for being at the back - I'll try not to use it again :roll: But, the goal was to stay with the pack and that, as Josh said above, was something we all managed to do. As we get to know the competition, I think it's going to be more and more fun.

Also as mentioned above, the speed was higher. This is a group you could loose easily, so you have to pay attention. Something I haven't ever noticed before is the strong smell of brake pads. It was only at the bottom of the hill before the stop-sign-right-turn. I think we were going faster down the hill, but maybe that was the smell of hot carbon fibre rims.

Someone who did commit was Jeremy - Good going, my family are big fans! I am sure he'd like some team mates in the B group - what are you waiting for?

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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by steve »

I agree John, Jeremy should be congratulated and should have some team mates - I'm in for the next Caleb Pike race in two weeks. I feel bad that I wasn't there to cheer him and the rest of TS on - Jeremy's voice was the only one I heard in the Newton Heights race!

I think this would be a good opportunity for anyone who is sitting on the fence on racing and throw in their hat - anybody else in for the B race?

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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by Quentin »

steve: I plan on trying the B race at the next Caleb Pike too.

Jeremy: congrats on your first race!

other tripleshotters: you guys rock! Such a great group here!
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by jeremy »

ya it was an interesting experience, Although I finished last, I know i could have ridden better, for the first 2 laps I fell off the pack but could see them in the distance for awhile, I would gain some ground on the flat -downhill portion, but then trying to chase the group up the hill is where I ultimatly lost them, I see some more tolime's in my future. I'll be out at the other caleb pike races, I can only get better....right?

And I'd like to say thank to all my tripleshot team mates, Geoff and John's family cheering were great, and the Moose/Caboose always had some nice words of encouragment when the A pack went by.

one other interesting thing that happened last night, right before the downhill there was a group of kids playing some road hockey, on the first lap they were sitting on a rock outcrop looking over the road, and as the pack rode by I get hit in the helmet with a little pinecone, took me by surprise, but also made me laugh, cause that's probably something I would have done at that age. Talk about unseen hazards :shock:
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by jeremy »

JohnT wrote:Someone who did commit was Jeremy - Good going, my family are big fans! I am sure he'd like some team mates in the B group - what are you waiting for?


John I think it was mostly due to the cookies, and not my riding. I do appreciate it :)
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Re: Caleb Pike Race Report

Post by BearPope Recruit »

Fun times last night - great to see so much baby blue out racing & cheering!

Thanks to Jeremy for the sweet treats post race! And to those who rode out & back to the race and led me through the Langford maze...

Great job everyone!