Tripleshot Cycling Club’s Annual General Meeting is coming up at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Watch for an email in the next week setting out the venue and a link to attend by Zoom. The AGM is when the club elects directors for the coming year. Our board includes six members-at-large and four officers: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
Several directors have decided not to return in 2022-23. We will always be grateful for their incredible contributions to the Club over many years of service: Ann Campbell, Justine Johnson, and Heather Ranson.
The following directors have agreed to be nominated in the following roles for 2022-23:
President……………….Chelsea Henderson
Vice President……….Rolf Warburton
Secretary……………….Geoff Pye
Treasurer……………….Robert Berry
Director………………….Kevin Chen
Director…………………Joji Ishikawa
Director…………………Andrew Neale
The board has had discussions with several members who have agreed to be nominated to serve on the 2022-23 board as new directors. The board nonetheless calls for nominations of members for each director role.
The following are characteristics we’re looking for in individual directors. The first three are sought in every candidate. The latter three are skills that reflect board and club needs (but which we don't expect *all* candidates to possess):
- demonstrated commitment to the club and to upholding our culture and values;
- demonstrated leadership;
- demonstrated emotional intelligence and ability to work effectively in a team;
- experience and expertise designing and/or supporting online club management systems (e.g. CCN, Spond, Slack and possible future replacements);
- written and verbal communication skills, including social media experience; and
- event-planning skills.
- diversity in personal characteristics that reflect our membership and society at large, including: gender, race/ethnic heritage, age, sexual orientation, education, mental/physical ability, family status, economic status; and
- diversity in cycling-related interests or activities that reflect our membership, including: A, B, and C riders; road; gravel; cyclocross; MTB; track; time trial (individual and team); Youth Team; women’s rides; virtual rides; racing; recreational etc.
Nominations for directors can be sent to Please ensure anyone you nominate has agreed to be nominated. If only one candidate is nominated for each officer role, or if no more than six candidates are nominated for members-at-large, then all directors will assume their role at the AGM by acclamation. To allow time to arrange for possible campaigning and elections for contested positions, the board will only accept nominations for directors until the end of day, Wednesday, September 14, 2022. All nominations will be announced at the AGM and any required election will take place at the meeting by show of hands, either in-person or online. Our bylaws do not permit proxy voting.
If you have any questions, please reach out to any director or shoot us a message on the club email: Thank you!
— The Board —