Spond Subgroup Elections and Test Rides

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Spond Subgroup Elections and Test Rides

Post by Rolf »

A few notes from recent club and Spond registrations:


If you're signed up as a 2022 member, your Spond subgroup elections should now be reflected on your Spond member profile. Going forward, you should only be invited to events and see posts under those subgroups. We hope this makes Spond more focused and relevant for all members. Events and posts created under the umbrella Tripleshot group remain visible to all (e.g. special event rides, TTTs (for now?), bigger gravel adventures etc.)

Some members made some weird choices — like electing to only belong to B1? If you feel like you're missing out or want to change your subgroup subscriptions any time, reach out via Spond Message to our 13 Spond Group Managers, listed here: tripleshotcycling.ca/club-info/key-contacts

Many thanks to Ann, Chelsea, Claire, Casey, and Scott D. for helping me this past week transfer the choices of all 150+ 2022 members from CCN to Spond. This will continue as new members sign up. Get your 2022 membership here: ccnbikes.com/#!/events/2022-tripleshot- ... membership


With the weather finally relenting, a growing number of Victoria cyclists are giving us a try in the new year. Cycling BC has once again permitted prospective members to take up to three free test rides with Tripleshot before buying an annual membership.

Test riders still have to sign up with the club through CCN (link above), but don't need to be Cycling BC members. When test riders apply to be let into Spond, we mark their names with "TEST RIDE". Look for them signing up for your rides and give them a proper Tripleshot welcome!