Club activities and announcements

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Posts: 112
Joined: Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:28 pm


Post by JamesB »

In honour of Riley P’s performance in Mallorca and to recognize some of the people and an organization that might have made a contribution to him even getting there, our Tuesday Sprints in June just got a little more interesting …

We all know that no matter your grouping (C - B - A) or numbering (3, 2, 1 etc), each and every Tuesday a growing group of crazy riders meet up at Oak Bay High at Oh-Six-Hundred and then proceed to collaboratively take on a series of challenges. These are the box sprints (sometimes 2 sometimes 3), King George Terrace KOM, and of course the first to cross the “crosswalk finish line” at the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo.

Okay … so all is well and good - normal ops so far.

But how about for the month of June, each Spond group host is also responsible for reporting who in their group won each challenge and more importantly which other rider was given credit for having made the greatest contribution (a nice lead out, a generous word of encouragement, an extra possibly sacrificial pull, etc) to make that performance on each challenge even happen!

So here’s how it goes - and we’ve got 2 Tuesdays to ready ourselves for the 5 Looney Tuesdays in June - …

Each rider has to bring at least one looney with them to each Tuesday ride.
At the end of the ride, the rider who finished “first” on each challenge gets to announce the name of the rider who helped them achieve that challenge. … This rider … this “Riley P” … gets the Looney from the rider who got the glory. So if you’re a fast rider or just planning on winning more of the “glory challenges” … you’d better have a pocket full of looneys (aka - a little weighted handicap).

Looneys therefore get distributed at the end of the ride (at Beacon Hill Park) to the 4 or 5 riders who made the greatest sacrifices or contributions during the Tuesday ride. And those riders, take home the money!

Now … I would ask that we submit a ride “report” on Spond for each group with the names of the riders that:
- Placed first on each challenge but more importantly - the rider who was awarded the Looney for each challenge (our Riley Ps)
- So for a group that rides 3 sprint laps of the box, this means there would be 10 names - 5 “Riley Ps” and 5 challenge winners.

I’ll track each groups data and we can build on below this Spond post a string that showcases each group’s Riley Ps for that week and eventually for the whole month of June.

Finally, might I suggest that all these Looneys then be donated to Lister’s Tripleshot Youth Program, ... because well all know that behind every athletic performance is a Coach and a support system that simply needs to be recognized and celebrated!

... this is a work in progress, so thanks in advance for your patience. Please feel free to talk it up or ask questions on Spond so we can all get and stay on the same page. Again, we've got 2 weeks to work out any details. If you haven't already got your TS 2021 membership, git on it! Have Fun and ride Safe.
Posts: 112
Joined: Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:28 pm


Post by JamesB »

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is our last "practice Tuesday" before we get into JUNEY LOONEY TUESDAYS!

Please consider supporting us and encouraging each other by recording the follow data - and sharing it on Spond (I'll then bring those results here - maybe with a little less detail and spice). Also, please PM me or simply step up for your Tuesday group/crew to become a data volunteer for the month or even just the Tuesdays you're able to participate. Here's what we need:

LOP (Lead Out Points) ... these get to be awarded for each of the 4 or 5 Tuesday challenges by either the GP (Glory Point) winner for each challenge and/or by the rest of the crew. Again, these get awarded to the rider who contributes most to the success and support of the other riders - perhaps especially the GP winner.

All Tuesday riders are encouraged to bring at least one loonie each so that at the end of each Tuesday, one designated rider (volunteer) will collect the loonies and should have about $10. So after 5 Tuesdays in June, each group will likely have a $50 donation to make to our Tripleshot Youth Development program that helped produce the likes of Riley Pickrell - who's recent efforts at the Tour de Mallorca inspired this whole event.

LOP 1st Sprint: _____________. GP ____________
LOP 2nd Sprint: _____________ GP ____________
LOP 3rd Sprint: _____________ GP ____________
LOP KGT: ______________. GP KOM ____________
Xwalk BHP Finish LOP: ________________ GP ______________.

Let's put the priority on joining the Tuesday rides and supporting each other and our Club Community.
Once the rides are over, we'll get to the part of sorting out the $$ we may raise to the benefit of our TS Youth Program.