Martin Farnham: Cycling BC’s 2020 Volunteer of the Year

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Martin Farnham: Cycling BC’s 2020 Volunteer of the Year

Post by Rolf »

Last month, Tripleshot recognized President Martin Farnham as our own 2020 Volunteer of the Year. (He didn’t get a vote. 😏) So it’s pretty great to see his contributions honoured Province-wide by Cycling BC. His nomination says it all:

“Martin has been the president of the Tripleshot Cycling Club for the past four years. In the past, Martin has championed our weekly rides with as many as 100 people going out in up to seven groups, seven days a week. In addition to the weekly rides, he also championed special events such as our Silly Solstice ride, Three Ferry Tour, and the Hurricane Ridge expedition. He also organized an annual “Backpack Ride” where club members would ride with food donations for our foodbank, as well as a summer BBQ and Christmas party/awards night. In addition to all of this, he coordinated with our youth team on fundraising, racing support, and liaised between our club and others for racing events in the area. Martin has always been interested and available to the youth program, stickhandled the program’s fundraising, and has counselled the head coach on challenges. The Tripleshot youth programs’ success is also Martin’s success. Now, if you asked Martin, he would say that many members of the club helped with these events and that is why they happened. But speaking as a member of the club executive, I know that many of these would never have happened if Martin hadn’t been the catalyst, sparking action from behind the scenes.

Early in the pandemic, when club rides were cancelled, Martin worked behind the scenes to understand the requirements for “return to play.” He tested and launched SPOND, a sport organizing app, and posted trial club rides. He shepherded all the Tripleshot members into the app and posted weekly rides for the entire summer and fall. Amazingly, during the pandemic, Tripleshot added 100 new members. Martin welcomed them and added them to SPOND after ensuring they signed the Tripleshot Code of Conduct, had a Cycling BC membership, and were aware of our COVID-19 Safety Plan.

We are all grateful for everything he did this year.”

Thank you, Martin. 🙏

[You can read full write-ups on Martin and the other inspiring CBC Community Award winners here: ... announced/]
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Re: Martin Farnham: Cycling BC’s 2020 Volunteer of the Year

Post by toddhatfield »

Very well-deserved recognition! Thank you, Martin!!