Wharf Street and Johnson St bridge.

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Wharf Street and Johnson St bridge.

Post by POC »

I recently contacted the city expressing concern with the close calls I have had from motorists when accessing the Johnson St bridge, the cars merging from the side road where there is a yield sign did not appear to look out for cyclists. Below is a response from the Engineering dept. I hope it leads to an improved experience.

Thank you for your email and I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to you.
I am familiar with the location you are describing, and we have been closely monitoring this location since the opening of the Wharf Street protected bike lane.
Since opening we have adjusted the traffic signal timing to minimize the possibility for interactions between motorists and cyclists. Motorists travelling from Pandora Avenue are required to follow traffic laws and regulatory signage by yielding at this location before entering the bridge lanes. To support compliance, we have increased the size and visibility of regulatory signage in this location.

We encourage cyclists to use the All Ages and Abilities connection over the Johnson Street Bridge to travel in a fully protected environment.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or comments.

Amelia Potvin
Outreach Coordinator
Engineering and Public Works
City of Victoria
1 Centennial Square, Victoria BC V8W 1P6
T. 250-361-0300 ext.1751
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Re: Wharf Street and Johnson St bridge.

Post by sailor »

My commute to work takes me across the bridge twice a day. Yep, cars regularly try to run me over at this intersection. At least the City of Victoria has the decency to respond and try and do something about it. My emails to the Township of Esquimalt about their bicycling safety issues go unanswered and unactioned. Have you noted your close calls in Bikemaps.org? Ride safe!