zwift ride in the morning

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zwift ride in the morning

Post by chrisb »

Hi All, what with the amount of smoke that is coming up from Washington, and the forecast for more, I was wondering if anyone else would like to zwift in the morning?
Yeah, I know it is not as social... but it's better than not riding, and it can be pretty fun if we can get people together for it too!
Anyways, I'm going to be riding indoors for the next week or so while the air quality comes back, if anyone else wants to do the same that would be great!
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Re: zwift ride in the morning

Post by susanfowles »

Hi Chris,

Interesting you brought up Zwift! I have been researching into setting up the app myself ror the upcoming winter. Can I ask you what type of bike trainer set up/sensor/power meter, etc, you have? I am trying to debate what options and equipment to invest in... as I know there are many for this app. Any tips or recommendations are encouraged!

Posts: 153
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Location: Victoria

Re: zwift ride in the morning

Post by chrisb »

I have a tacx flux2, it seems to work really well, I like that it doesn't use rolling resistance - I actually take my rear wheel off and skewer the bike onto the trainer ( so no requirement for a trainer tire.
As for zwift, I did have to get an ANT+ usb antenna, I think that I could has used bluetooth, but the ANT+ covers the heartrate monitor strap, so it works better.
Once I have the components it was just a matter of installing zwift on the computer, searching for the equipment, and starting the ride. Oh, and setting up the fans, do NOT forget to setup your fans :)
I think some other folks out there also use zwift, I hope others will make further suggestions

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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:32 am

Re: zwift ride in the morning

Post by susanfowles »

Awesome! Thank you so mix for the info. I’m going to look into the options with the trainer and equipment you mentioned. It’s so helpful to talk to people actually using the equipment rather than relying on google and random blogs. Thanks again and hope to see you in these soon :)
Gerry L
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Re: zwift ride in the morning

Post by Gerry L »

I have been using a KICKR Snap (uses the bike's rear tire) the last year or so along with an Apple TV. The trainer has worked well apart from a worn out bearing needing to be replaced under warranty (after around 3000 virtual km). It would slip on grades over 10% so I mounted a dedicated trainer tire on an old rim that works much better. The Apple TV can link to 2 of the 3 available channels (power, cadence, or heart rate). If you stream from an iPad all 3 channels are available. Both work well on a 50 inch TV.

I get too hot without using 2 fans.
