Can you help JaBig? - World Bicycle Relief

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Can you help JaBig? - World Bicycle Relief

Post by Rolf »

A bunch of you know Jean-Aimé Bigirimana, an internationally-recognized DJ (JaBig is his handle) and cycling record holder. I met him a few years back when he came through Victoria while riding from coast to coast to coast and pulling off the Guinness world record for Longest Continuous Ride in One Country. (Though the record didn’t call for it, he also elected to do this ride on a single-speed bike!) Alan Cassels put him up during his visit to Victoria, and a Tripleshot crew helped him start his journey from Mile “0” north.


He made it that year to the Arctic Ocean... in winter... doing the final stretch to Tuktoyaktuk on the famous ice road extension of the Dempster Highway... all with minimal support! A great bio and an award-winning short film about his journey can be found here:

Last summer during a visit to Montréal, Jean toured me around his hometown by bike. We had fun. He’s a very humble and gracious man.

Last summer, Jean also set out on a new 5-year, 100K, global cycling journey, partly to raise funds for World Bicycle Relief, a charity that has distributed over 500,000 bicycles in Africa. Here’s his campaign site: ... ig/c244616

But due to the pandemic, Jean had to return home from Europe just before the borders closed and his world tour became another Canadian one instead. Jean landed this week in Vancouver and he’s coming to Victoria over the next few days. We’re planning on doing some rides with his local fans, and trying to raise some campaign funds. (Please visit the link above to contribute to World Bicycle Relief.)

Jean also let me know that ZIPP/SRAM is sponsoring him and has shipped him wheels and a new group set (he’s learned to enjoy gears!) The awesome folks at Broad Street Cycles have agreed to help him rebuild his bike with these new bits.

You can follow JaBig’s various social media feeds at[/url];; and His DEEP & DOPE house mixes are some of the most popular on YouTube, with 195 million views and over 7 billion streamed minutes: :shock:

Last edited by Rolf on Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Can you help JaBig? - World Bicycle Relief

Post by Rolf »

UPDATE: Jean has figured out how to get his parts over here for tomorrow's rebuild. Thanks to those who responded with offers to help!

Jean plans to do his ceremonial dip of the wheel in the Pacific on Thursday morning (Aug. 6) from Mile Zero by Beacon Hill Park. He plans to meet there just after 7 and begin his cross-Canada tour at 7:30 a.m.

Looking for some easy mileage after your TTTs? Why don't you join us for an honour escort up the Lochside Trail to the ferries? Watch Spond for possible event sign-up...
Last edited by Rolf on Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can you help JaBig? - Are you driving Van-Vic before Wednesday?

Post by shawn »

I'm in for a wheel dip and Lochside roll on Thursday morning. Cool project!
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Re: Can you help JaBig? - World Bicycle Relief

Post by Rolf »

Great, Shawn! (And thanks for all your and BSC's awesome support for Jean and his goals...)

Some notes for tomorrow:
  • 0700 - Meetup at Mile Zero and walk down the stairs to get his brand new Zipps salty!
  • 0730 - Ride to the ferries via Lochside (here's another cross-Canada start from five years ago: should be similar pace, timing etc.)
  • 0845 - Possible coffee stop in Sidney
  • 0920 - Leave Jean at ferry
  • 1100 - Arrive back downtown
To be clear, this is NOT an official Tripleshot or Cycling BC event. So strict pandemic rules apply: keep your distance from others at all times, practice good hygiene. If we have more than ten show up for the escort ride, we'll split into smaller groups. Sounds like there will be some media for tomorrow and the last thing we want is to see a tight clump of Tripleshot jerseys on the evening news!

If you can't make it, but would still like to contribute to Jean's campaign, please visit ... ig/c244616. Thank you!