Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by Rolf »


Lister Farrar, Coaching and Youth Programs (and Club founder)
Kevin Chen, Director, Youth Team Support (not pictured)
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by Rolf »


Martin Farnham, President

Many hours of effort and careful consideration have clearly gone into Tripleshot’s pandemic revival. Martin’s calm, measured, and responsible approach to decision-making, and his obvious passion for the Club over his many successful years as Prez have made him our most valuable volunteer.

Thanks for taking care of us, Martin!

(And thanks to all the many Club volunteers who may not be on the executive, but who give so much of their time and energy to making this Club so great. You know who you are. Kudos!)
Last edited by Rolf on Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by Rolf »


Happy Canada Day!!

This is my last Daily Tripleshot Photo.

The past three months have been a challenging time in most of our lives. We've had to adjust to all sorts of deprivation and disruption. For many of us, it's sharpened our focus on what really matters: our family, our friends, and our communities.

Tripleshot is good for our bodies. It keeps our lungs and hearts healthy and it makes our legs strong. It also keeps us in wholesome routines and gives us regular hits of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, caffeine, and endorphins. In short, it makes us happy!

But if this period has demonstrated anything, it's that first and foremost, Tripleshot is a community, an extended family, even—with all its quirks, its quibbles, its diversity, and its love and caring. (Maybe that’s why coffee sometimes feels like a wedding reception!)

Thanks so much to those of you who helped suggest photos over the past three months and a day. It’s been a fun ride.

Now back to your regular programming...
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by sailor »

Thanks Rolf.
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by afcook »

Very much appreciated thanks Rolf
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by conway »

Thanks Rolf - very much appreciated.
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by mandreassen »

Indeed! Thanks very much Rolf, it was a great idea.
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Re: Your Daily Tripleshot Photo

Post by Mikael »

Dear Rolf,
I was off my bike for too long this spring because of frozen shoulders and I was very grateful for the daily dose of TSC that you so very generously served. These pictures reminded me time and time again of the many happy hours I have spent with members. It got so bad that I often returned to previous favourites that you had posted. The one that I returned to most often was the one you posted on May 16. It looks like a race and most riders are very concentrated. Then there is a person on the left in a pink helmet sitting about fourth or fifth and grinning widely. I wonder what they were thinking and kept changing my mind from day to day between "I got this" and "Why are those guys taking this so seriously". Kept reminding me of how happy I get when I look back in my mirror and watch people behind me grinning widely regardless of how hard they work.

My thumb goes up to you Rolf. Thank you for keeping my spirits up.

rolf thumbs up.jpg