Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by LouiseF »

I finally have a chance to get on my bike this week (at least until my kids' alarms go off) and I'm bringing my BFF who is here for 6 months and wants to get into cyclocross. She'll be riding my old MTB. I may also bring her other half, depending on their kids' morning schedule. My other half has a breakfast meeting :roll:

I'm proposing a route of localish, fun trails - thinking the Ten Mile, upper Uvic (too muddy in Mystic likely), Haro woods loop. I won't lead b/c I'll want to hang back with my friend who may be a bit rusty on two wheels but is there anyone who'd be keen to do that type of a ride on Friday and possibly lead or co-lead? I can plot a strava route if need be and post it (and would have to study one of 38's Ten Mile loops since all of my efforts to navigate there have turned out with a lot of repetition and dead ends).

In return for my weak offer to lead but not really, I'm offering up my hot tub for such a leader who wants to ride all the way to Gordon Head to warm up post-ride. Rain cheques will also be honored.
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Rolf »

I hope to have expelled the 3.4 kg of snot lodged in my sinuses by then and to come out for a ride, Louise. I'm happy to follow (no really!), or lead if needed—and I'll assume I get to despoil your human fondue at some future date regardless.

I'll bring pets.

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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Dolly »

I will attempt to join you Louise, if my wheezy lungs cooperate. If not I will bail early for an extra long coffee. :)
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by JTyre »

Louise, did you say hot tub?

I'm in, unless Rolf and Dolly are,
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by schouten »

Sounds like fun. But I was in before you posted.
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by myboys »

Totally in. Now I'm going to bed hoping I don't have snot nosed nightmares. Thank you JT.

Good night

Greg F
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Greg F »

I agree Mary!

Enough of the snotty noses, JT, cut that out!
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Alan »

Yes, yes, and yes.
News reports say "wet snow" but our resident climatologist Johnny B Fyfe says "Fake News" ... um=twitter

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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by JTyre »

Just because this giphy makes me laugh ...
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Ann »

I'm in. Louise, if you post a route (before 8 p.m.) I will try to memorize it. 8)
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Claire »

If anyone is interested in a second group (perhaps a tad faster and less snotty :lol: ), I may be available to lead it. If Louise posts a route ahead per Ann's request, that would help!

Although I'm still deciding whether to ride road or dirt. But I'll commit either way by 9-ish tonight.
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by mandreassen »

I'm in for a dirt ride!
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by esilnarson »

I will drag myself out of bed for Friday’s cross/gravel ride.

Brian E
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by LouiseF »

Glad there are others who will brave the potentially nasty weather tomorrow morning. I'm not likely to have time to post a route (sorry!) but the one I've suggested is well-known and I'm sure we'll figure out the Ten Mile part and have fun doing it!

Bring on the snow!
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by LouiseF »

This is the best I can do in a quick minute.

Something like this:

Or this:
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Ann »

I’m down to a maybe because my sore throat is escalating quickly.
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Claire »

I'm also a maybe due to being a cold-wuss. But for mental preparation purposes, is the goal to have coffee with the roadie crew at Shoal Point or not? I imagine the route will be considerably different depending on the end goal.
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by JTyre »

Both routes look great, Louise. I won't be going to Shoal Point regardless, sorry Claire.

I favor the first one because it ends up at PV (right near our house). I'll call ahead and ask Jill to run a tub for all of us. Alan, warning!!!, we're gonna to clean you up before we get in, 
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by mashby »

Nothing like a bike ride in slushy mud to win over apehensive riders. Fantastic!
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Re: Friday Jan 10 - self-serving ride

Post by Ann »

Ok I’ve been lying on the couch for two hours and my throat feels better. I’ve mostly memorized the ten mile point major turns (except within Konukson Park) so if someone can get us to ten mile point in an interesting way, I should be able to get us through the highlights of TMP and then out again.

Or maybe #38 will show up and lead us all. :D