Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by Rolf »

In collaboration with Claire and the MTB-oriented crew (who seek the more technical pleasures of Hartland), and with deference to Ron's sleep-in plans, a few of us are planning a different 6:30 a.m. ride option, aiming to take in Bear Mountain, Hazlitt Creek, McKenzie Bight, Partridge Hills, Elk Lake, and Colquitz. Here's the route map.

To avoid confusion with the other ride, we'll leave from Richmond and Fort at 6:30.

The last time we set out to do this route, back in snowy February, a few wrong turns and some flats meant skipping the McKenzie Bight/Willis Point loop. But we still put in 70K, and 1000m of climbing over nearly 4 hours of moving time. Though it wasn't captured in the resultant ride video, Johnny had to turn back in tears with a broken brake after only an hour, and missed seeing Todd fall quite gracefully into a creek—which did make the video :wink:.

It's not a little ride, and making our 11 o'clock brunch reservation at the Glo Europub on the Gorge (JT's suggestion) will mean keeping a solid pace. Mechanicals will simply mean skipping McKenzie Bight again, or perhaps the Elk Lake return.

Here are some misleading gifs of Rowntree Road from last February. I'm sure it won't be this pretty again.


Last edited by Rolf on Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by schouten »

Oh man, I think we're gonna have three rides going on Sunday. Your ride sounds fun though and I do hope for a repeat in the future.

For my part, I still plan to leave from Fairbucks at 7:30 to catch up with the MTB-Cross crew for a MTB-Cross-Light loop. This will be based on the Thetis Loop from last Saturday minus the bits that didn't work plus new bits that should work better. I'll post the route in another thread.

Glo for brunch sounds marvy though. I'll try to make that...
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by Rolf »

I think we're collectively up for three route options, Ron! So long as nobody's unintentionally solo, it's great to have choice. 8)

Let's text during our later, respective banana breaks about brunch. I was only able to reserve a Glo table online for 4 at 11. But I'm confident we can expand it, if needed. That place is going to love the slug trails we leave! :roll:
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by rduncan »

I now have good motivation to clone myself. Or maybe I can just give someone who's going on this ride the bottle I keep my soul in so I can sort of be in two places at once.
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by JTyre »

Claire's ride looks like good fun and Ron's patchouli-dipped beard is to die for. However, limited hours in the day combined with Rolf's bullying dictate that I join his crew,

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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by Alan »

I’m the short amigo. I gotta join the other amigos

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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by Dolly »

I will join this adventure, even though it’s way too early in the morning.You do know Rolf, we will be delivering Alan back home after the TS party in a wheelbarrow....
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by LouiseF »

Would love to join you guys but 630 the night after a night out?? I’ll be joining Ron’s lazy crew.
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by Rolf »

Hey, I finally got to go to the TS party last year. You guys can't fool me! Buncha skinny gals and guys in baggy clothes, comparing resting heart-rates. "A second drink? Oh heavens no! Do you know how many calories are in a glass of wine?" :wink:

Folks were headed for the doors by 9:30 and it was done and dusted by 11. So, unless there's an afterparty I don't know about...

But 0630 is admittedly egregious on a Sunday. :roll: I'd love riding solo tomorrow if I knew it was cuz y'all had a rockin’ time tonight!

Perhaps text if you'll join Ron at our table at Glo.

p.s. the real reason Alan may just meet us at breakfast tomorrow, is cuz he spent the last two days riding up and down the Island so as to hand-deliver fresh shellfish tonight! :shock:
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by mashby »

Last minute half-day pass!!!!!! Duuuuuuude! See ya' at F-Richmond 6:30am. Will probably skip brunch.
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Re: Sunday, December 8 - Bear, Partridge & Elk Reprise

Post by Rolf »

Good times yesterday, guys. I'm having a little trouble with stairs today—always a sign of a robust outing!

Here is a ride video for your mental scrapbook. Credit to Alan for finding another kooky soundtrack. 8)

And here are a few violently over-filtered frames from the raw video capture:






