Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by Claire »

Last time we dipped our toes into the inviting Hartland singletrack, a number of us rather enjoyed its technical challenges and strenuous climbs. I thought I'd revisit some of the trails we tried a few weeks ago--plus more!--on a longer Sunday cross/MTB route of my devising (insert evil cackle).

I was thinking of making our way north through Camosun (eventually) then Goward to Prospect and into the fun stuff via Meadowbrook. Once we exit Hartland*, maybe check out Mark Lane (at the end of Willis Pt) then up McKenzie Bight trail and over to Corey Rd and/or northern Thetis lake stuff (maybe Ron can put together something that does or doesn't include Millhouse/Lighthouse...?).

I'm guessing this'll be around 70k so an early start like 6:30 Fairfield might be good.

Thoughts? Willing participants?

* At the "exit Hartland" point, those who like more classic gravel stuff and aren't shy to ride some road mileage could join us for the latter, less-gnarly portion (I'm guessing at about the 2hr+ mark). Steve is interested in this option, so I thought I'd offer it to others who might also prefer a later start and slightly tamer terrain.
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by schouten »

Hmmmm, intriguing. I would almost always jump at an opportunity like this but this might not be the best weekend for it. I have three (yes 3!) Christmas parties to attend and 5-6 hrs in the saddle would be pushing it I'm afraid.

I could be part of the group meeting you at the South end of Corry Connector at Munn though. This could tap in nicely to a new Thetis loop route I want to improve upon.
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by rduncan »

I’m in. 6.30 start would be good. My heart hasn’t been liking the cold weather climbing stop/start nature of gravel rides so you may have to wait for me at the top of some hills. (Treatment in January. Let’s hope it works)
Rob Duncan
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by JTyre »

I'm out, but wishing you maximum gnarlismitis, Claire, and good results in January, Rob.
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by Claire »

Ron, I like your idea. The tricky part might be correctly estimating our arrival time at Munn. I will take a closer look at my route aspirations and gbty.

Rob, I'm still game even if it's just the two of us. I'm looking forward to overindulging (on food) at the TS party so a nice long dirt ride will be well-deserved (and needed)!
Mike Frankenberger
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by Mike Frankenberger »

I'm in, sounds fun
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by schouten »

Glad to see this is working out. I just know I'll want the "late" start.

I'll post my loop once I've had a chance to revise it.
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by rduncan »

I can do 7.30
Rob Duncan
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by Claire »

Rob - let's stick with 6:30. Ron is planning to join at the halfway+ mark after he's slept off his hangover x 3. We'll discuss here when that would most likely happen.

In fact, here's a rough idea of a route (it's from the JSB so add mileage for commuting and for whatever Ron takes us on that's not what I roughed out in this route).
Last edited by Claire on Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by markuspirker »

I'll join you guys as well. 6:30 am Fairfield Starbucks it is.
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Re: Sunday Dec 8 "MTB-cross"

Post by mandreassen »

Plan "A" is i'm in....see you at Fairbucks at 0630