Deer collision on Humpback

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Deer collision on Humpback

Post by jbarrett »

Today's Saturday Sufferfest was marred by a crash with a deer around 8am this morning. Rob Duncan went head over heels after T-boning a Bambi on Humpback Rd., as we were heading south towards Sooke Rd. (Hwy). Rob was leading, called out a deer, she crossed in front and we thought we were clear. Suddenly, Bambi lept out of nowhere following the Mom. Rob tried, but there was no time or way for him to avoid the animal at about 30kph. He landed on his head and back. Sig and I, the other two riders in our group of three, assessed Rob, he didn't seem too bad, road rash, then we noticed his broken helmet. Within minutes Rob started repeating himself and asking us what had happened. Sig called an ambulante which arrived quickly, within 10 minutes. Rob and his bike were taken to Vic. General. Sig and I headed back to town. The Bambi had scampered into the forest right after the crash, apparently with no damage.
At 9:30 Rob called Sig and I from the hospital. The doctor had assessed no serious concussion, Rob's wife who was on her way to the hospital picked him up shortly afterwards and he's now back at home, monitoring injuries and toughing out the extensive road rash to his back and hip.
Get well quickly Rob!!!
Two, quick lessons.
First, when an adult deer crosses in front always be ready for young bambis to appear out of nowhere after a delay of a few seconds. Best to slow down, or stop, after seeing the first deer.
Second, the ambulance attendant asked Sig and I if Rob had any medical conditions, especially things like allergies. We didn't have much to give the ambulance attendant, other than his name and age. While I'm sure most riders do carry identification with them it's important that any medical conditions (allergies, etc....) accompany the identification. A few years ago the club provided stickers that fit under the top-tube with phone numbers and a few other details. Maybe those rider ID stickers, or some other ID attached to the bike, could be re-issued.
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Re: Deer collision on Humpback

Post by Rolf »

Oh geez, Rob. Feel better and I hope to see you on the bike again soon.

Thanks for the detailed report, Joe. Hearing these kinds of facts helps us all ride more defensively.
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Re: Deer collision on Humpback

Post by rduncan »

It could have been a lot worse. Thankfully we have great medical coverage in Canada. The paramedics were great and I was cracking jokes about how I was probably repeating thing. they were laughing and confirming that yes I was indeed. The emerg doctor was checking me out within 10 minutes and let me go with a clean bill of health after advising I take it easy for a while.

My memory came back fairly quickly and while I have head fuzz now, there’s no other symptoms of concern.

I wanted to go and get a new helmet but my wife wouldn’t let me so I’m watching Ken burns documentaries and they’re doing a good job of putting me to sleep.

But damn it my favourite jersey is ruined.
Rob Duncan
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Re: Deer collision on Humpback

Post by mfarnham »

Sorry to hear about the Bambi ambush, Rob.

Assuming your favourite jersey is the latest TS design, Jakroo will do a crash replacement at a reduced price. Write them at I believe you need to submit "the story of your crash" as part of the deal. ;)

We tried stickers on bikes with an emergency contact number a few years ago. Trouble is that people change bikes and I found that my sticker's sharpie ink bled to the point of illegibility after a few wet rides.

I'm inclined to suggest something like this instead: ... cycard.pdf
If everyone carried it with their credit card (which we all carry to buy coffee with, right?) and ID in a ziplock, we'd have that info handy for these situations. Others suggestions are welcome.

Kudos to Sig and Joe for assessing Rob and calling an ambulance. Each of us should be prepared to do that in the event of someone else hitting the deck. Decision making needs to be taken over by the people who didn't just hit their heads.

Get feeling better!
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Re: Deer collision on Humpback

Post by rduncan »

Many people have been asking me “what did the Monna deer do when she saw her baby attacked?”

It was all a blur for me too but a jogger managed to catch this on film and sent to it me. Thankfully it never went after my bike as well.

(Clearly I need a lesson in how to post gifs)
Rob Duncan
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Re: Deer collision on Humpback

Post by SigIsaac »

Thanks for the link to the emergency contact card, Martin. I’m going to carry one with me on rides and will suggest it to others.
