Adam deVos won Nationals!!!

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Adam deVos won Nationals!!!

Post by Plawless »

How great for Adam! And what a remarkable tripleshot success.

For any that don’t know when we started the club it was just a few folks riding bikes like pretty much every other club but early on Lister identified a couple of kids who could use some support. So we ended up passing a hat around for what we called “the Adam Project”. That project became the youth program and the ongoing TS policy of investment into youth programs.

So in a very real way that red and white jersey that Adam will be wearing for the next year has a little bit of tripleshot in its threads too.

Plus I have to say that Adam is EXACTLY the person I want telling our country and our club. He is a total class act.

So kudos to Adam and huge kudos to Lister and the other visionaries in Tripleshot that have made so many opportunities become real for a whole lot of youth. Be proud of Adam and what you do with this club. It’s awesome!

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Re: Adam deVos won Nationals!!!

Post by wonger »

Congrats Adam! I have a distinct memory of Chris Fraser talking Adam into "going long" one morning long before there was anything other than just one ride, because he saw his potential and wanted to see what he could do. Nice to see him killing it! Great ride by another Tripleshot alum Jay Lamoureux in 6th place too.
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Re: Adam deVos won Nationals!!!

Post by Roland »

I remember that... raised money for "The Adam Project" to help him get to nationals and then didn't give him the money until months later after trying to repurpose it. I'm still salty about that, but he's probably forgotten all about it. Anyway, glad he's doing well and always excited to see him win races.
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Re: Adam deVos won Nationals!!!

Post by mfarnham »

Hats off to Adam and to the early Tripleshot folks who had the foresight to invest in kids like him!
