Goose/Lochside/E&N Safety PSA

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Goose/Lochside/E&N Safety PSA

Post by Ddallin »

TS! Last Sunday there was a significant increase in seasonal users of these trails, especially along the Goose as you approach the switch and into town. Just a friendly reminder that all TS rides using these paths are in either "cool down" or "warm up" mode, thus there is no need to set any KOM's.

To a 5 y/o on a run-bike, a group of us doing 20km/h seems like highway speed.

No rush to get to coffee, play it safe along that strip!

Like Peter says, "live to ride/race another day!"
David Dallin
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Re: Goose/Lochside/E&N Safety PSA

Post by toddhatfield »

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Thanks for the reminder, David!
Paul Chris
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Re: Goose/Lochside/E&N Safety PSA

Post by Paul Chris »

Speaking of Pete Lawless.
Remember what a wise soul said about who the most important person is on a group ride????
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John D
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Re: Goose/Lochside/E&N Safety PSA

Post by John D »


I've long maintained that the most dangerous part of our regular Sunday ride is the pre-coffee home-stretch on the Goose after Interurban. With the official ride and the final sprint being over, riders are often in chat-mode and paying less attention to the trail ahead - and to those with whom we share it.

Can you imagine the scene if we were to injure a small child, a dog-walker, or (as nearly happened about five years back) a pair of 80+ seniors out for their morning stroll?

Ride safe and share the trail!

"Talk - Action = Zero" - Joe Keithley
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Re: Goose/Lochside/E&N Safety PSA

Post by Robgrant »

Slow down out there on the Goose.

This past Sunday, my wife and 4 friends were riding on the Goose and were passed by the TS Sunday ride. She was squeezed right when a TS rider shot through the gap while another rider was passing her (ie, there was someone passing her on the left, then another rider rode between them). Said TS rider promptly cut her off, which resulted in some braking and cursing.

These ladies are experienced riders and were not impressed.