Monday April 22

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barton bourassa
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Monday April 22

Post by barton bourassa »

I can't make it Sunday so I am hoping to have some company for a 100 km ride on Monday.

this is what it will look like:

Start and finish at Uptown Starbucks.

Leave Uptown at 7 AM. Looking for 24 maybe 25 km/hr avg pace but making sure that who ever shows up we all stay together!

This is all part of a bigger plan. A few of us C types have been talking about the Silly Summer Solstice June 16. We think it might be a good idea to work up to 161 K rather than one weekend riding 100 K then the next attempting 100 miles! So, each week we will increase the distance by 10 K or so and slowly build up to 150 K two weeks before the Triple S riding 120 the week before (tapering!!). And looking at doing the 100 miles at about 25 or 26 K / Hr. There are some of us older and slower types that think that maybe trying to do this at a 30 to 32 K pace may not be such a good idea! Anyone that is interested is very welcome to joins us for our slowish and longerish Sunday rides (typically on Sunday!). And very welcome to join in on the day of this silly event

All the Best!

Barton Bourassa
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by myboys »


Count me in. I'm back from the Land of the Sick. Finally. See you at seven!

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Re: Monday April 22

Post by Maureen »

Sounds great - Monday works for me this weekend as well.

See you then!
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by L2R »

I will be there too! Shelagh
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by myboys »

Ugh...I won't be there, Barton. That pesky knee strain won't go away. Thought it had, but had to cut a ride short yesterday. If a miracle happens, I'll be there. Otherwise, happy trails without me 😞
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by Roxanne »

I'll be there. Thanks Barton
barton bourassa
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by barton bourassa »

Mary, that sucks! I hope the issue heals quickly. Next time eh!?

Barton Bourassa
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by myboys »

How was your ride, Barton? I was thinking of you guys in the rain this morning. Maybe I was the lucky one!

barton bourassa
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Re: Monday April 22

Post by barton bourassa »

Hey Mary! It was pretty good. Started with 8 of us then John went home early and we picked up Maureen who was late getting out but found us! It was wet but almost warm! Someone tacked on a bunch of punchy little hills at the end just to mess us up!

Next weekend we'll either do 110 K flatish or 100 K with more elevation gain. We'll post.

Sad to hear your knee is such an issue.

Barton Bourassa