Looking to for input on and to borrow a set of rollers for a week.

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Looking to for input on and to borrow a set of rollers for a week.

Post by rduncan »

Hey y’all.

I’m looking to try out a set of rollers for a week. I had some when I was a teenager and loved them but I keep hearing that the max watt output with them is too low to use them for indoor training.

I’m reeeeaaaallly bored of my trainer. Yes I love outdoor rides as much as everyone else but when life is busy indoor training fills a need.

Who here has used them and what’s your opinion on them? And who would be willing to loan me one for a week?

Help a fellow tripleshotter out.
Rob Duncan
Posts: 83
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:09 pm

Re: Looking to for input on and to borrow a set of rollers for a week.

Post by NickLosier »

I have a set that has been sitting unused for the better part of 4 years now.

They were a great quick workout when I used them regularity. They are adequate for intervals, but the fact that I was never good enough to stand up while on them got old quick.

Absolutely no issues loaning it out
Posts: 257
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:08 pm

Re: Looking to for input on and to borrow a set of rollers for a week.

Post by rduncan »

Hey nick.

Can you text me? 250-889-2058.

Rob Duncan
Posts: 101
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:29 pm

Re: Looking to for input on and to borrow a set of rollers for a week.

Post by Curran »

Have tried rollers a few times; had to pay attention the whole time, and can't put down much power so useful for pedalling technique but not for improving power etc or trying to watch a movie etc.

How this would be fun to try!
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Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:22 pm

Re: Looking to for input on and to borrow a set of rollers for a week.

Post by LouiseF »

Before my rollers broke and I lost all will and desire to ever ride inside (and therefore fix them), I loved my rollers and used them over the trainer during my time in winter climates. True there is a very steep learning curve, even changing gears or taking a sip of water is tough for awhile. Be prepared you may crash. But once you get the hang of them they are awesome. You can't mash big gears on them but do you want to? You can work on your steady spin and you will quickly figure out if your pedal stroke sucks. They are mentally intense for awhile but fun!

I hope you try Nick's. Hallways are good places to start b/c you can grab the wall on either side as you go down. I don't recommend riding beside a bookcase. I can tell you from experience that may not end well! Have fun!