Loaner road bike?

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Loaner road bike?

Post by JTyre »

Dear All,

My twenty-some 5'8" daughter, Nicki Tyre, is looking to borrow a road bike (nothing flashy) for a few weeks or months to see if road riding appeals to her. She has a serious athletic background but very little experience road riding. A triathlon in the summer is a goal.

So, does someone have a spare road bike that they would be willing to part with for a little while?

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Re: Loaner road bike?

Post by Ann »

Yay! If you don't get a better offer, she could probably use my '99 Lemond Zurich, but we'll need to find pedals and a saddle.

Also, the dates aren't 100% finalized but it looks like the TS Women's Clinic will be 8 Tuesday nights, beginning on Tuesday, April 9th and ending on Tuesday, May 28th. The time is usually 6-730 pm.
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Re: Loaner road bike?

Post by justineajohnson »

I have a saddle if needed!
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Re: Loaner road bike?

Post by LouiseF »

Couple women's saddles over here too.
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Re: Loaner road bike?

Post by Ann »

Yay Justine and Louise!

JT, if she wants to use clipless pedals, I have an embarrassing number of pairs of old road shoes that she could use. If you find Look pedals, she can just use them as-is; otherwise you can swap in some other cleats. The shoes are about size Women's 9.
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Re: Loaner road bike?

Post by NickLosier »

Not sure if a 58 frame would end up being too big, but I have one i can spare for a while. Only thing is that it would be my summer bike, and doesn't have fenders, or any mounts for them. ( Or the winter bike if the lending time crosses over to the nice weather)
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Re: Loaner road bike?

Post by JTyre »

Thanks everyone, Ann especially (!) ...
