Friday January 4th

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Friday January 4th

Post by NickLosier »

Is anyone riding tomorrow morning?

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Re: Friday January 4th

Post by Alan »

I expect the three little piggies are likely to be out...


Don't worry dudes, we can warm up afterwards with coffee and a cuddle...


And speaking of which, this is Rolf, a man we all know who gets seriously engaged in the presence of a nice cheese:

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Re: Friday January 4th

Post by Rolf »

Heading out dark and early in a flipping biblical rainstorm requires a bit of psychological self-manipulation. So by posting here, I will not give myself the option of killing the alarm, hearing the monsoon, rolling over, and returning to that warm magical land where I'm a lovingly hand-fed pig, enjoying cheese and tea biscuits under a blanket.

So I'll see y'all at the OBH doorstep. Thinking something like following wheels (unless the fenderless spray is intolerable) out to Mt. Doug X Rd. and then cutting through High Quadra, Beckwith, Brydon, Copley West, South Valley, and back to coffee on the Goose and through town? Or maybe just the usual Gordon Head/Oak Bay run in...

And remember, if you gotta cut the cheese, do it like this:
