Sunday, November 18

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Sunday, November 18

Post by JTyre »

There's a lot going on this weekend and I so I'm not sure if folks are up to a TSCX adventure tomorrow. Maybe something not quite as challenging as last Monday but different from last Sunday. Please post here if you're interested, and in what.

If Rolf comes maybe he can treat us to some more of his nasal calisthenics,

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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Ann »

In. And I heard a rumour that the GPS from last Sunday might have a route in mind for tomorrow. (He is also in.)
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Rolf »

Someone else wayfinding and breaking wind in my face?

In like Flynn!

P.s. Wait—you’re still a vegan, right GC?

P.p.s. Related “marginal gains” hilarity.
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by schouten »

I'm interested. I'm not sure what I'm signing up for but I have a gravel bike and thoroughly enjoyed the cross fondo long course. Where and when? Sounds like 7:30am at Fairfield Starbucks.
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by MikeA. »

Very interested. Please confirm starting point and time. Is there a possible switch bridge time?
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by GarthC »

Hey Rolf,

Sorry I had extra spicy re-fried beans tonight...hope that's ok! :wink:

Here's the route I was thinking of doing...if Rob Britton can do it, it shouldn't be a problem for us!

Haha, just kidding!
Working on the route now...
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by JTyre »

OK folks, Garth and Ann are presently running the details of the route through the Tripleshot supercomputers for verification.

What I know for sure at this time is that we're rolling out from Fairfield Starbucks at 7:35 am, aiming to hit the Switch Bridge at around 7:55 am.

(And Rolf, flatulence jokes? You've stunk to a low.)
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by GarthC »

So Ann and I verified the route with TS supercomputers and came up with this route:

Note: we're riding this route counterclockwise.
Greg F
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Greg F »

Looks like a good route! We send our regrets that we’ll be unable to attend.

But do check those supercomputers, they’re never a true replacement for the human mind. Let’s not forget when Matthew Broderick almost accidentally vaporized us a few years back*.

* Has it really been 35 yrs since that movie?? Jesus...
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Rolf »

Correct, schouten. Look forward to meeting you! Come early and let’s have an introductory porridge.

GC+AP: fun route! I’ve only got c. 3 hrs. to play with, so may have to head away early, pace dependent. The raclette sitting in my lactose-intolerant GI tract should be enough to match Garth’s afterburners.

Finally, Greg: as IF anyone would bother to nuke Iceland!
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Rolf »

Fun times in Cordova Bay this morning, Garth! The climbs were pretty gruelling in places, but it was cool to discover some lovely new terrain. I was sorry to miss the second half through Thetis etc.

Rob treated us splitters to some espressos and unwittingly presented as the real Tripleshot Posterboy:

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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Claire »

Love this pic. I hope it's in the gallery, cuz it's got to be in the slideshow on Dec 1!
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Re: Sunday, November 18

Post by Rolf »

Yep. It’s in Scenic & Misc.