Well, that was different! About four new kms of cut-throughs and trail.
We started with ten, but attrition set in early—only (a mostly costumed) five made coffee. I fear the ride was too slow and exploratory for those looking for a proper workout, and too fast and technical for those with fractures or other injuries.

Hopefully those of you in-betweeners had as much fun as I did.
So you know: there
is some method behind this madness. Thanks to Lister's fabulous work with on the Fondo, he may have some opportunities to potentially influence Saanich's trail-building or even park-acquisition priorities. So if any of you other map/ROW-sniffing geeks have ideas, let's hear 'em!
p.s. Ann's gif-game has been great for yonks. I'd put her average quality score on my entirely subjective GIF-o-meter somewhere between JT and Greg.