Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by Rolf »

I've been fighting a cold and a CrossFondo hangover...


To give myself a recovery goal over the next 36 hours (and to force myself to fix that final flat from Sunday), I plan on catching a roadie-train up Shelbourne on Friday morning, before departing westward at Feltham and hitting the trails out to Layritz. Should hit Shoal Point by 7:30.

Here's a pretty good estimation of the route/time. Probably be a little slower, since that incorrigible Machiavellian JT is on another continent...
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Re: Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by JTyre »

Friends, don’t be fooled by Rolf. Quick Bottom’s is always fast. As for JT, he misses you all as he eats his way though the Middle East.

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Re: Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by Rolf »

There is discussion afoot considering splitting into two groups tomorrow if the numbers warrant it. A faster group that aims for more terrain, and a more moderate group that doesn't bite off more than it can chew before coffee.

If you're even slightly curious about cross tomorrow, show up and we'll work it out in the parking lot. Room for every rider...
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Re: Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by esilnarson »

I will be there.
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Re: Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by wonger »

I’m in!
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Re: Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by Mikael »

Thank you all for the ride this morning. My little bike and I had a wonderful time slaloming at the rear of group

Still waiting for JT's GIF101 class....

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Re: Friday, October 19 - Quick's Bottom / Layritz

Post by Ann »

It was great to ride with you today, Mikael!