3 Ferries Ride May 27

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Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Post by Claire »

Thanks, Rolf. It almost represents all who were there for most of the ride...

In case anyone was wondering why Steve and I came on the ride but didn't ride in the bunch a whole bunch... I wanted to say that it just happens that's how we enjoy riding - particularly in a new place with welcoming, smooth and beautiful roads at our avail.

I think I speak for us both when I say we genuinely enjoy all y'all's company and found the ferry rides and coffee stops delightful. And we also found it delightful to roll along the wonderful roads of the Cow Valley and SSI (that North End loop was da bomb!) at a pace that felt fun yet comfy.

So, if that's a weird way to enjoy a group ride, then I can accept that some people think we're weird. But hopefully you know that we enjoyed the things we enjoy most about this club - riding bikes, sunshiny weather, drinking coffee, and enjoying the company of some fine folks - and trust that the others did too.

And, just to prove we were there, here are some shots that Rolf was unable to capture in his video that do indeed demonstrate our presence!
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Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Post by roadflasj »

Thanks for the great video Rolf! It really captured the relaxed and welcoming vibe of the ride. Nice to reflect on such an enjoyable day.
Kenji Jackson
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Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Post by dranson »

Great video Rolf - you captured so many happy moments!
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Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Post by PDavis »

Great job Rolf! That brought some good memories. Thank you.
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Re: 3 Ferries Ride May 27

Post by Lund »

Hey Scott — since everyone back in the sightseeing section missed it, I tracked this down on Google Street View.

Two S. Davises here on the island. What are the chances?
1333 Cherry Point Road.jpg