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Post by JohnT »

Thanks for all of the nice comments (VCL#5 thread). I am back here (the TS Racing forum) for the first time since last week and only just noticed. Great that this is working out for lots of people.

Tomorrow is the third of four Speedway races. It looks like the forecast has improved a little. My advice for people watching the weather is, don't. I used to worry about it, but on the rare few times that it wasn't looking good, things turn for the better just before the race.

I don't have any volunteer offers at the moment. Please let me know if you can make it.

Arrive by 5:30 pm and you are done by 7:15 pm.


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Re: VCL#6

Post by JohnT »

Despite a less that perfect forecast, we had the largest turn out so far last night, 76 racers. Big thank you to David Hill and Mark Ford for their hard work at the registration 'desk'.

The C race finish was a little confusing, sorry to those who weren't sure what was going on. A group of seven lapped the field. That's never happened in C. So, on the fly, we set up two sprints, one for the field and one for the 7-person break-away. I prepare the A and B racers for such an event at the start, but had not done this for the C's. Despite the fact that not everyone realized what was happening, I think it was a great education for the group - if it happens again next week, they'll all be ready.

34 people in the B race - it was a great sight. Also, an amazing 1-man break away in the A race. That break away (Nick Monnette) did last for about 10 laps, but didn't last until the end. However, I have just realized that Nick still managed to win the sprint! Amazing.

Last Speedway race is next Wednesday and it is part of the 3-race omnium. Please look at Lister's notes on the Sidney TT (Tuesday), which is also part of the omnium, along with the Neild Road hill climb on Sunday.
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Re: VCL#6

Post by Lister Farrar »

Ok, so where were the TS masters women for the C race last night? There was one lone 50+ woman from another club, Donna i think?, who did great, easily finishing with the bunch. Kids made up the bulk of the pack, but are safe from road drills, track and cross, and we had ZERO close calls. 3 coaches rode in the pack to help keep things under control.

If you want to race Masters nationals where there's a pack descent, this is the place to get your pack skills and race legs going. Don't miss the last one next Wednesday.

Last edited by Lister Farrar on Thu May 10, 2018 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VCL#6

Post by Lister Farrar »

Donna is Donna Stokes, who did the TS women's clinic i think ( ... ls-clinic/), and is an independent.
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Re: VCL#6

Post by Lister Farrar »

Results here ... did=151246 showing Donna in the bunch. She shows as one lap down as does the rest of the main pack, because the break lapped the field. Last week she was one lap down because she was dropped alone. Massive improvement. Don't get left behind!

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Re: VCL#6

Post by shawn »

Lister Farrar wrote:Ok, so where were the TS masters women for the C race last night? There was one lone 50+ woman from another club, Donna i think?, who did great, easily finishing with the bunch. Kids made up the bulk of the pack, but are safe from road drills, track and cross, and we had ZERO close calls. 3 coaches rode in the pack to help keep things under control.

If you want to race Masters nationals where there's a pack descent, this is the place to get your pack skills and race legs going. Don't miss the last one next Wednesday.

Yes. I couldn't agree more, Lister. We are so fortunate to have this local race series. It's the place to learn! The next Caleb Pike VCL would also be great prep. Come on, ladies, go into Masters with a few races under your belt!
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Re: VCL#6

Post by mfarnham »

The B race was super fun last night. Jay Lamoureux (former TS youth member and recent Bronze medallist in the Team Pursuit at the Commonwealth Games) sat in and created a bit of fun for us. At one point there was a 2-man break about 50 meters up the track, and Jay yelled, "Martin! We need someone from Tripleshot in the break...I'll tow you up!" So he did. Unfortunately the 2 guys in the break were already fading and once I arrived I think they looked at each other and thought "This guy's not going to be any use!" and stopped pedalling. :wink:

But I broke with my previous week's strategy of playing it safe in the pack and hoping for a top 10 finish in the sprint by getting a lucky leadout (which worked last week...barely). I've decided it's more fun to try to make stuff happen at the front, even if it leaves you too gassed to muster much of a sprint at the end. Too bad I can't make it next week. Leadout train? Hmmm....someone should work on that.

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Re: VCL#6

Post by toddhatfield »

Is there a meet-up time and place for the ride out to the speedway? thx, Todd
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Re: VCL#6

Post by Fozzy »

Hi Todd. People usually meet at Switch Bridge at around 5 and go from there.
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Re: VCL#6

Post by toddhatfield »

A huge thank-you to the organizers, the club, and the riders for the race tonight. It was my first ever bike race, and I had an absolute blast. I thought it might be quite intimidating, but it was a welcoming group and I learned a lot. My one regret is showing up for the first time on the last night! Can't wait for the next one. cheers, Todd
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Re: VCL#6

Post by Lister Farrar »

Very cool to see some more Tripleshotters out at the Speedway last night; Jim, Louise, Sheila, Todd. Especially Sheila who rode C very competently and said after, (if i recall correctly) "I can't believe it took 2 years to try it!" Sheila, it would be great to see your words posted here.

The next VCL is Windsor Park Sunday am. This is the only other fully closed course in the VCL beside the speedway. Great chance to learn to race in a safe place. Excellent coffee after. (or should I say, "Excellent coffee, and oh yeah, some bike riding."?) Debrief in the Windsor cafe after, and watch the B's go for it?

I'll be at the course 7:45 to show the youth C's and anyone else who wants some tips on the corners. Watch for us riding around and join in. Some quick words at 7:45 (what to watch for, review of braking, weighting, line principles), then some gradually increasing speed corners, alone, in pace lines, then in a small pack.

In the race itself, Riley Pickerel, 12 x Canadian track champion and bike handler extraordinaire and I will be coaching during the event, cruising at the back and sides of the pack to offer tips and help close gaps to stay with the group.

If you're trying racing after group ride experience; it's a bit surge-ier. Keep your cadence at the higher end of your comfort zone. Spinning a bit more gives you better acceleration to match the micro-accelerations of the group. Think of gearing down a manual transmission car to accelerate better to get onto a highway.
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Re: VCL#6

Post by L2R »

I would like to echo what Todd said. My first ever race as well and I now wonder why I resisted for so long! I think because I thought I wasn't fast enough or skilled enough. In the end all I can say is that I had so much fun, learned a ton and would love to see more women who ride at my level come out and try a race. I have zero idea how many times I might have been lapped by those crazy fast well trained kids, (and fellow adult Triple shotters) but I had a blast and just wish I had started earlier in the year! Big thanks to coach Brenna who rode beside me for much of the race coaching me and to Lister who was riding with and coaching the kids and throwing out encouragement to me and to Todd whose butt I stuck on for as long as I could. And to Paul C who has been telling me for 2 years that I should be doing this. And all the organizers and volunteers: kudos to you all. If I was in town Sunday, I would be first in line to sign up for the Windsor crit :wink: C'mon ladies, if this old gal can do it, so can y'all!