Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

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Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Lund »

Among its countless other endearing qualities, Tripleshot is the most inclusive bike club on the island.

So inclusive, in fact, that the new Tripleshot Member Photo & Profile Directory (check it out!) includes many who ride regularly with the club but aren't really members because, erm, they haven't purchased a 2018 membership.

[Note: the word "member" actually comes from "membership." True fact.]

Currently, the "special guests" in our Member Photo & Profile Directory include these fine folks:
• Darryl Buchanan
• Eugene Hahn
• Ian Hendry
• Michael Lawless

Next time you ride alongside our guests, give 'em a warm Tripleshot welcome...and give 'em a nudge about those overdue dues.

Of course, there are others out there who deserve a nudge even though they're not pictured in the gallery yet. Let's include some of them here. (Did I or did I not say inclusive?)
• Maxim Ellison
• Roland Rabien
• Deborah Snell

If I've missed anybody, please add their names here. We don't want any of our special guests to feel unnoticed!

With warm personal regards,
Calgary Steve

PS. The club president (pain in the ass) wanted me to add that Tripleshot and the Wheelers have talked and agreed that if you ride with a club more than 10 times in a year, you really oughta buy a membership to that club (even if it’s not your primary club). It goes both ways, of course. If you ride regularly with other clubs, pony up, cheapskate!
Last edited by Lund on Tue May 15, 2018 12:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by mfarnham »

Since I delight in fine print, I'll just add a footnote to Steve's postscript.

The 10-ride rule applies only to people who already carry Cycling BC insurance through their membership in another club (like the Wheelers). That rule is about sharing the cost of running the club with the people riding next to you.

Separate from that is the insurance question. If you're not a member of another club, you should buy Tripleshot membership *within your first couple rides* with the club so that you and those around you are insured in the event of an accident. You can't appeal to the 10-ride rule if you're not already carrying CBC insurance.

To purchase membership go here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7417

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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Lund »

Did I or did I not say pain in the ass?
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by John D »

I think we've reached the point in the year where each club ride should include a "Hands up if you've paid your club membership for this year!" at the start of the ride. To those whose hands aren't up, the followup question should be "So...why exactly are you here?"

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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by trevor »


I have never been fond of the passive aggressive calling out method to encourage membership that Tripleshot seems to embrace. A kind reminder on a ride or in the parking lot will do, as you shared on the OBB ride this past Saturday Steve (thank you). Since then I have, in fact, reached out to my fellow Wheeler mates and encouraged them to buck up, which I am sure they will.

Something to consider.
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Lund »

Passive aggressive? Not really. More of just an irreverent dick.
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by aruss »

Many of the names listed outstanding for membership cycle with TS on weekday mornings. The rides are fun and a great way to train during the work week. Outside of those rides their involvement with TS activities and socials is minimal.

The purpose of membership is clear, share the cost of running the club with the people riding next to you. A large cost for TS is the youth program I gather, and what a fabulous program it is! I would like to propose that riders already registered with Cycling BC and another local club that ride with TS on weekdays have the option of paying their "membership" through a donation to the Youth TS program. I believe it is already set up online so riders could receive a coupon code for membership and pay a minimum $40 donation to the Youth TS group.

What are your thoughts?
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Lister Farrar »

aruss wrote:Many of the names listed outstanding for membership cycle with TS on weekday mornings. The rides are fun and a great way to train during the work week. Outside of those rides their involvement with TS activities and socials is minimal.

The purpose of membership is clear, share the cost of running the club with the people riding next to you. A large cost for TS is the youth program I gather, and what a fabulous program it is! I would like to propose that riders already registered with Cycling BC and another local club that ride with TS on weekdays have the option of paying their "membership" through a donation to the Youth TS program. I believe it is already set up online so riders could receive a coupon code for membership and pay a minimum $40 donation to the Youth TS group.

What are your thoughts?
Thanks Andrew. Really appreciate the thought. However, the TS exec already supports the youth program through a large part of it's surplus, supporting grant applications, handling all the kit order (gigantic job by itself!), VCL race organization, affiliation admin, insurance, planning rides and handling inquiries, which all also benefit the youth program. I think joining the club is also a strong endorsement of the club in Cycling BC's and the public's eyes. The exec can choose to allocate further to programs as members suggest.
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Claire »

aruss wrote:Many of the names listed outstanding for membership cycle with TS on weekday mornings. The rides are fun and a great way to train during the work week. Outside of those rides their involvement with TS activities and socials is minimal.
But, ARuss, this is precisely what 75% of paid-up TS members use the club for, too! Paying a nominal fee is a show of good faith and of appreciation for the club putting on the weekday rides. That's what the club is built around - early morning rides and coffee.

Oh yeah - post-ride coffee - it's a thing. Come on out for that some time, too!
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Rolf »

I think it sounds like your heart's in the right place, Andrew.

Echoing what Claire said, many TS members have no other involvement in the Club than riding weekday mornings. Youth program excepted, I'd say those rides are c. 90% of what this Club is about (by activity).

And as Lister suggests, paying for your membership is akin to donating to the Youth program—only you're acceding to the proper discretion of our Club exec to balance Club needs.

Personally, I also haven't seen satisfactory evidence that after a horrific peloton pile-up resulting in life-altering injuries, Cycling BC insurance coverage wouldn't be complicated by this inter-Club arrangement. I don't think an agreement between the respective executives of Tripleshot and the Wheelers necessarily affects CBC policy coverage. But I'd be happy to see evidence otherwise. In my experience, insurers look for every opportunity to wriggle out of responsibility.

Long story short: I enjoy Tripleshot rides with much more confidence when I know that everyone around me is a paid-up member.

Thanks for caring though, eh? Hopefully you (and other Wheelers) feel good about ponying up your $30 and I'll get to meet you sometime soon at coffee. 8) (We're not all dicks like Lund. :P )
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Alan »

i have nothing substantive to add to this conversation, but since Lund is involved, and there's a serious lack of Giffiness in this conversation, let me add this:

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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Lund »

Actually, Alan, I say you're fat all the time. Just not to your face, cuz I'm not always a dick.
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by Bosie »

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment Aruss, I think that if we ride consistently with other groups, we are more or less compelled to buy a membership. Its not expensive (particularly when compared to other bike costs). I also know that anyone who felt they were unable to buy their membership for financial reasons could chat to the club president or executive and I know the fee would be waived.

I think its incorrect to suggest that the bulk of the club is focused on supporting the TS youth program. The club members organise, support and volunteer at many of the races in the city including the Speedway, Cameron law series and The Cross Fondo. Many of these events could not happen without the clubs input.

We have a strong focus on bringing more women into the sport and run the Womens Clinic annually for this purpose.

We are also working on introducing adults to track with the annual track day.

Finally there are a myriad of other social events and rides which are organized annually.

Each club in the city has its own culture and goals and is led by an executive with that in mind. We might prefer the culture of some clubs over others or spend more time with another club,but ultimately,
whilst we may not all partake in all of the benefits of a particular club, I think that if one rides more than occasionally with any club, its reasonable to cough up the nominal membership fee so that the clubs pet projects and culture can continue.

(Even the morning group rides, interestingly, require work to continue. From the outside it may just seem like a group of like minded folks meeting up every morning, but there is actually a considerable amount of work which goes on behind the scenes to keep them going. From discussions with, and getting permissions from, property owners for meet up spots and routes, to discussions with Police about safety. Any complaint invariably ends up with the executive and needs to be dealt with to maintain the rides.)
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Re: Come and meet Tripleshot's "special guests"

Post by mattbilly »

Touche guys. I was just waiting to finally make a TSC post before paying my membership. Now both are complete.