MEC Gravel Grind

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MEC Gravel Grind

Post by Robgrant »

Anyone planning to ride this on April 14th? Crossers?
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Re: MEC Gravel Grind

Post by Rolf »

Thanks for the referral, Rob. I'm currently booked to be out of town for most of April, so will likely be giving this a pass. But I have a few thoughts:
  • I'm super happy to see more organized events like this and opportunities to mix road and off-road riding; it gets more people riding trails—which should translate into more, better, and more sustainable regional trails in the future.
  • I was intrigued to see certain trail sections included in this event (Fin. Arm Hydro Rd., Hazlitt Creek...) that I haven't ridden and which are now near the top of my shrinking list of planned discoveries.
  • Personally, I can't see much more value to the event beyond the above two points—both of which don't require my registration. The ride is largely unsupported, it's not timed, and features no road closures or access to private property or normally inaccessible areas. It's a ride I could go out and do this coming weekend and have a nearly identical experience.
  • I added up the seven off-road "secteurs" over the 40K long course, and came up with only 9.8 km unpaved!! Throw in the fact that a lot of the remaining 30K of asphalt includes grunters such as Bear Mtn. Parkway, Finny Arm Rd. and Munn eastbound up-and-over, :shock: and the pendulum seems swung a bit too far towards "road".
  • Thinking of all the things this event is not, I'm reminded again what good value and how generally fantabulous our own Tripleshot CrossFondo has been these past two years, offering incredible terrain, support, beer, food, minimal road connections, and youth team fundraising-related good feelings, etc.
  • Still, kudos to MEC for giving Victoria more great ride options. 8)
Gerry L
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Re: MEC Gravel Grind

Post by Gerry L »

I see the ride has been postponed due to problems with permits.