Wednesday, March 7

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Wednesday, March 7

Post by Rolf »

Going a bit longer Wednesday. Thinking maybe reverse our Sunday route (clockwise), including Elk southbound, then grabbing Beaver Lake Rd. and jumping back into the Colquitz system. Hopefully back downtown around 8:15?

Are we keen to get a wee jump and meet at "Geoff's spot" (Shelbourne and Hillside) at 6?
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by NickLosier »

I'm in
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by JTyre »

"Clockwising", "reversing", "grabbing", "jumping" -- your gibberish has my mind reeling, If the route is what I think it is, then I'm in. If it isn't what I think is then I'm still in because, regardless, I have an appetite for one of those downtown breakfast sandwiches.

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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by Rolf »

Heh. Glad to hear my ridiculous verbs didn’t throw you off!

I’ll assume we’ll meet at 6 at the southeast corner gas station at Hillside and Shelbourne—unless strenuous objections are subsequently posted and assented to.
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by LouiseF »

I think I'll come too but I'm similarly a little thrown off by the route. Jumping into colquitz at the end wouldn't be clockwise by my definition. Not that it really matters except that I need to be home about when you guys plan to be downtown (or sooner) but I imagine I'll be able to bail at some point to make that happen. If you guys head to colquitz, I can dash down QB to home.

Is the plan to head golf course after the Hillside meeting spot?
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by Rolf »

Sorry for confusion, Louise.

I plan on heading out on North Dairy, taking just the south corner of Cedar Hill GC, a quick explore through Peacock Hill Park, and Tolmie to the Goose. Then doing the reverse of our Sunday route until we get to the Elk Lake parking lot, at which point we exit the park west on Beaver Lake Road and make our way back to the Colquitz trails and town. If you instead carry on home at that point, you'll likely be in good time.

The route on Strava should look like a semi-deflated balloon-on-a-string.

Only 7 hours until we're like a tiny school of silvery fish, flashing through the dark, cold, dry morning. Can't wait!
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by Rolf »

Another fine zippety rip this morning with Johnny Tyre and L3. I'm gobsmacked at how much fun can be had in the woods before a regular old working weekday. Some figures:

6:05 a.m. - left meetup at Hillside & Shelbourne (Sorry we missed you, Nick! And you, Other Seaman, ret'd)
7:05 a.m. - hit ride zenith at the north end of Elk Lake
7:56 a.m. - stepped into Picnic Too on Fort St. for delicious breakfast sandwiches
43.23 km - total ride mileage (door to door)
12.36 km - total distance on roads (28.5%)
30.87 km - total distance on trails (71.5%)
23 km/h - average speed

A consistent pace, some punchy little climbs, plus all the fun of twisting, turning and handling required in the woods, made for a pretty solid workout. Watching the pink sunrise—first amidst the reeds of Panama Flats, then reflected among the sculls on Elk Lake—was just a bonus.

As for the route map, it turned out more like Twiggy at prayer, or how a Kindergartener draws a flower (Cycleangelo need not worry about any competition just yet!):

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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by LouiseF »

Rolf - you noticed the pink sunrise amidst the frosty fields?

I miss your GoPro. It slows you down :wink:
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by JTyre »

For the historical record I’d like to add the discovery of a gem of an urban park at the top of Tolmie Avenue. And lets not forget the exceleration of balletically swooping home past GC commuters like renegade snowbirds minus the coloured smoke. Ambrosia.
Last edited by JTyre on Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesday, March 7

Post by Alan »

Jealous, very jealous....
