Monday Feb 12th cross - Royal Roads

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Monday Feb 12th cross - Royal Roads

Post by burtonbikes »

Norm and I are doing a cross ride to Royal Roads and/or Thetis. The plan is to meet at 9:15am at the switch bridge (its a holiday!!).

We will go for about 3 hours and do coffee.

I expect Rolf and John are zonked from their 110 km duo cyclocross to Leechtown. Can we tempt you out on a slightly shorter slower ride?

Anyone want to join us?
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Re: Monday Feb 12th cross - Royal Roads

Post by Alan »

Wish I could join you guys. Unfortunately stuck in Queens, NY. The good part was I got to see the Jim Henson Exhibition at the Museum of the Moving Image this afternoon. It was awesome. But speaking of Muppets, what would Rolf and John look like if they were Muppets, doing a post-ride jawfest?.

If anyone is getting sick of my gif habit, then get thee to a different part of the forum.
We's Giffers here.


and of course, Rolf and John riding to Leechtown are a duo not unlike two other adorable cyclists, we know...

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Re: Monday Feb 12th cross - Royal Roads

Post by Rolf »

Yeah, sorry Tom and Norm. The ol’ perineum will take a few days to recover. Hope you have a great ride! 8)

And Alan: must you GIF us as the oddest clandestine Muppet lovers? You’re just fanning the flames! :wink: Regardless, I’m definitely Piggy in this scenario. Kermie’s legs look just like John’s!
Last edited by Rolf on Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monday Feb 12th cross - Royal Roads

Post by JTyre »

Yep, those legs are mine and that’s Rolf’s oinking.

Have a great ride Tom and Norm. My legs are still mad at Rolf, and I work today.

Best, John
norman marcy
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Re: Monday Feb 12th cross - Royal Roads

Post by norman marcy »

Oh what a glorious morning for riding in the castle grounds
saw the holiday monday crowd going back to town for Coffee
explored many of the finer forested tracks and sat on the water front an drank in the awe of the Olympic mountains
met up with Ann and Garth for a nice cruise in along the E&N
Coffee at the Royal theatre Disco

all that and no griffin
Thanks Tom