Cross Ride

Mostly nonsense. Also riding bicycles inappropriate for off road terrain, off road; GIFs

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Re: Cross Ride

Post by wonger »

Friday December 15th - anyone want to go a little further? Thinking of doing the golf course to Lochside to Broadmead, then Elk Lake and Colquitz back to coffee. Depending on interest and timing, we could skirt the south shore of Elk/Beaver and head back to town which would get us back to coffee closer to 7:30. Last time we did this we met at Shelbourne and Hillside/Landsdown for a 6:00 departure. Interested?
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Rolf »

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Re: Cross Ride

Post by JTyre »

You bet.
AJ Neale
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by AJ Neale »

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Re: Cross Ride

Post by wonger »

Okay so let's meet at 6:00 at the Petro-Canada at Shelbourne and Hillside again for a 6:05 departure. Set your alarm five minutes earlier and tell your friends. See you there!
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by JTyre »

Great route, can’t wait. No worries about the numbers, where there’s wildlife we’ll find Alan.
Greg F
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Greg F »

see you there. Will probably bail at Quick Bottom to cut back home if you’re doing the loop in that direction.
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Alan »

woof woof, woof woof
translation: "in", and I'm bringing my buttesticalgina
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by JTyre »

Alan, as a newly inducted member of the 'League of Overdressed Unreasonable Gentlemen' (seriously) I can't take the bait on this one -- must sleep. See you tomorrow girlfriend.
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Ann »

This is probably a silly question, but is anyone riding tomorrow morming?
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by wonger »

I’m going no to see how’s sparkly it is in the morning before I decide.
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Rolf »

I've been off the bike for a week and I'm rather twitchy.

I'll be there—even if it's only to gingerly ride straight to coffee via as much dirt as possible!
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Alan »

Geoff, where were you dude? Wasn't at all sparkly, so maybe you have a good,er, excuse?
You missed some high drama, in deep, dark Mystic Vale where nightmares go to rest. There we saw Rolf get his derailleur all tangled up in his Buttesticalgina. It was a sight to see and the poor heartbroken lad had to walk home. As Billy Bragg said when talking about Levi Stubb's tears, "you can't take that apart and put it all back together again."
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Rolf »

My bike resembled my forum avatar this morning. I'd been hearing a little tick-tick-tick at the back when in my lowest gear. I guess when I dug in to come up that last little rise before the climb out of the Vale, I must have driven it into the spokes.
broken bike.jpeg
But it warn’t that bad, Alan. I walked right on to a bus and I’ll have a new derailleur to ride home at the end of this rather frantic work day. Plus: I’m getting a longer hanger this time so I won’t be constrained to road gears (something that made my CrossFondo much harder than it needed to be.)

It’s been easy keeping a stiff upper buttesticle-wotsit today—despite missing half a ride. 8)
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by JTyre »

That was broken soldier, still carrying a wheeze in his BTV, shouldering his wounded comrade up out of the Vale. Can't tell a lie, I got a bit misty looking up from below.

That all he did after that was catch the number 4 broke the storyline, but even so, Rolf's the man.
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Rolf »

I aim to ride my cyclocross bicycle tomorrow, 6 am from OBH. Open to all approaches, but I’m thinking maybe: Cedar Hill, Playfair, Lochside, Royal Oak, Colquitz, Quicks Bum, HCP, Viaduct, Prospect, Munn(s), Francis King, Thetis, E&N home. Coffee in town somewhere, hopefully by 9:30 or 10.

Probably gonna be wet. But a super balmy 5 degrees. 8)
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by JTyre »

Todays cold and rain on the GT ride sucked the will to live out of me. Rebuilding with a sequence of Jameson’s at the moment. For tomorrow I’m a definitely probably maybe. Love the route though ...

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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Greg F »

Love the route too but will have to peel off to get home by 8 or earlier, regardless where you go.
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by Alan »

If my girlfriends are there, I'll be there. Don't let the rain get us down.
My preventive medicine:
John-- More Jameson's.
Rolf--Charge the Go-Pro.
Alan--Doctor's orders--keep riding, more Van Halen.
Greg: Bring your enthusiasm.

Ready, aye, ready...
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Re: Cross Ride

Post by LouiseF »

Anyone planning a CX ride tmrw morning?