Haro Woods

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Haro Woods

Post by Bosie »

For those who use Haro woods for Cyclocross and MTB, this is likely important.

From the SIMBS:

The CRD information meeting on Thursday was well attended. People voiced their concerns and many of them did not see any value for biking in the area. If you have an opinion, the CRD online survey is now available for you to make that opinion known.

Craig B.
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Re: Haro Woods

Post by Robgrant »

Thanks- completed.
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Re: Haro Woods

Post by Rolf »

Yes, thanks Craig. Saanich staff now have a good number more words to read. :P

From slides 12 and 13 of their management plan consultation display materials, Saanich evidently assumes that cyclists using these woods (ie. those going off-trail and building/using jumps) are exclusively or mostly youth.

The anonymous survey linked here asks for your age. It's a clear opportunity to overcome that pervasive presumption that poisons public planning and policy: "bikes are just for kids". They need to know that some of their grumpy, entitled, and complaining voters are now cyclists, too! 8)
AJ Neale
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Re: Haro Woods

Post by AJ Neale »

Rolf: Nobody seems to have noticed your amusing and agreeable application of alliteration and advisable action. I did. :)
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Re: Haro Woods

Post by Rolf »

Andrew: well spotted. Like most of my belletristic masturbation, it was compulsive and semi-conscious. (It also doesn't win me many friends! :roll:)

To get back on subject, here's a direct link to that part of Saanich's in-depth draft management plan that discusses existing cyclist use, attributing it to mostly "young children or teens". (I wonder how they know that?) Also, from p. 22:
• Trail Conditions Goal: Create a minimal trail system with a focus on pedestrian-only trails and some multi-use trails.
I think the goal of restricting guerrilla trail-building is reasonable to mitigate environmental and user-conflict concerns. But I'm wary their focus on illicit teen trail-building may disregard uses like our bi-weekly, middle-aged, CX excursions through here and result in yet another area excluding us pesky cyclists.