Cross Ride
Moderator: mfarnham
Re: Cross Ride
That was super fun this morning! Great crew, great pace and such a beautiful day. Since there are two cross races coming up Nov 4 and 5, I'm planning to head out again on a longer morning mission next Wednesday November 1st. I'm thinking the same route we did this morning but in reverse, so out the Goose, Colquitz, West side of Elk Lake, then across Sayward and through Claremont area along that ridge - some cool little pieces to put together through there. Down to Lochside and back towards town by Cedar Hill golf course.
If you'd like to come, meet at Koffi on Haultain, between Asquith and Belmont before 6:00. Departure at 6 as it will take most of two hours to get this in. And it will likely be wetter than it was today. Post here if you are interested. Have a great weekend!
If you'd like to come, meet at Koffi on Haultain, between Asquith and Belmont before 6:00. Departure at 6 as it will take most of two hours to get this in. And it will likely be wetter than it was today. Post here if you are interested. Have a great weekend!
Re: Cross Ride
I'm in, with more lights, clothing and nerve.
John F.
John F.
Re: Cross Ride
For us northern suburban dwellers, what route will you take from Koffi and what time would you expect to swing by the switch enroute to Colquitz trail?
Re: Cross Ride
Probably direct as possible to the switch bridge, so 15 minutes or so. Haultain to Quadra to Hillside to Blanchard to Uptown and through to SB. Meet us there 6:15?
Re: Cross Ride
Thanks Geoff. I think it'll be Greg this time - 615 at SB.
Re: Cross Ride
Rolf: a.m. vs. p.m.! I hope you're not in a time sensitive profession like Law
. Come on pal, pull it together. We need you to help lead us, perhaps even this Friday?
Geoff: Amazing ride today. They just keep getting better.
Tim: Sorry for not noticing you were missing until it was too late. That sucks.
John F.

Geoff: Amazing ride today. They just keep getting better.
Tim: Sorry for not noticing you were missing until it was too late. That sucks.
John F.
Re: Cross Ride
Ya Tim, so sorry that we lost you. First time that's happened and I feel really bad about it. Hopefully I can buy you a coffee next week as compensation.
Re: Cross Ride
Coffee fixes everything. No worries. I just fell off the back and then there was a fork in the path, and then another, and then another... No problems finding my way home, just not a lot of trails.
Re: Cross Ride
It's the non-standard meetups, John. They disrupt my well-worn morning routine of waking up at 5:37 a.m. to make the 6:00 a.m. Tripleshot start. Having said that, I like ride-specific starts, they tend to be more efficient. So, yes: pulling myself together...
Speaking of Friday, any thoughts? I'm keen to do another long one, 6-8. Temperatures are dropping...

Speaking of Friday, any thoughts? I'm keen to do another long one, 6-8. Temperatures are dropping...
Re: Cross Ride
Rolf, I'm game for anything, short or long. As for route, I'm still learning and for the most part just hang'n on by the skin of my teeth. Could be a small group on Friday with weekend racing coming up, but no matter.
Re: Cross Ride
I too might be game for a special Friday longish ride, though there is that thought of a Saturday cyclocross race.... for which I'd have to save myself. hmmm. Put me down as a 'not sure'. Tim, getting dropped and lost on your first cyclocross ride is no way to start a new game. We'll make it up to you! (ie: Alan's homebrew cider)
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Re: Cross Ride
I'd have time for a regular-length cross ride tomorrow. So that we're done by 7:20 or so.
Re: Cross Ride
I am game to be dropped again. Sorta fits the definition of insanity I guess.
Re: Cross Ride
BTW, they are calling for snow tomorrow morning. (For all you hard men and women.)