Cross Training

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Cross Training

Post by conway »

I decided to solve the flooding of my garage by installing a drain. Simple job: lift the asphalt using a jack hammer, dig a hole, install the drain. What could go wrong? There were large boulders in the way!! I used muscles not used in cycling to remove them using a pick and boards as leavers. What a great cross training activity - oh my back.
rain drain work.jpg
rain drain 2.jpg
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Re: Cross Training

Post by Rolf »

You're ever inspiring, Mark: on and off the bike. Was there a chance here to play with explosives? :twisted:

We had our entire 100+ year-old foundation dug up this year for remediation and a complete drainage overhaul, and we also encountered several unexpected bits of Vancouver Island, one the size of a Smart car. Working around them caused some gruesome cost increases; you should feel very good for having wielded that pickaxe yourself!