I have entered a team for the Ride Don't Hide which takes place Sunday, June 25. The Ride Don't Hide raises awareness and funds that make a significant impact in our community. Donations enable the Canadian Mental Health Association to fund public education programs like Living Life to the Full that provides people of all ages, life management skills to help cope with day to day challenges. Reducing the stigma around mental illness and increasing mental health for all is a goal.
There are several distances to choose from: 7k family ride, 18k, 28k, 51k and 105k. It's a fun family event and there is always lots of great food after and awesome draw prizes. It starts and ends at Ogden Point.
My team's name is Out Spoke'n and I am hoping many of you will join me this year. We had a few TS members last year doing the 105 and a good time was had by all

Here is a link to register. You can search for the team using the team name or my name.
If you don't want to do the ride, I would love if some of you would donate by searching for my name and sponsoring me. It's a great cause!
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
Shelagh Machin