VCL#1 report

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VCL#1 report

Post by JohnT »

I hope others post, because I don't have much in the way of results [a few results added since first upload].

Cold but beautiful. I thought, and it turned out, so did Martin, that we might get away with a point (top ten) as a result of low attendance. "Maybe no one notices that the season has started" Nope. I could not believe the turn out. It was a huge event. Lots of racers in all three groups and loads of spectators. It is very exciting to be back in the race saddle again.

I stayed with the B peloton for almost 7 of the 9 laps. Near the end of lap 7 a dog ran into the pack - Stephane was one of two casualties. He's OK, his bike, not so much. This affected my race, but in a way that won't garner any sympathy: I had been enjoying the draft up the hill - it's more of a swoosh - every lap. The dog-disruption meant that the free ride half way to the top was gone and I had to climb it without help. I held on, but when we turned onto the back straight on lap eight I was in trouble. I got on Trevor Orne's wheel.... and just stared at the cassette refusing to lose the tow. But something wasn't quite right. He was as tired as I was, and the pack in front was gone.

The B group had been strung out and a few had been dropped by that point, so it could have been worse. I tried to maintain my position during the final lap and a half - two guys who were behind Trevor and I, made an attempt to bridge - they didn't make it, I maintained the gap to them. Trevor, as I discovered when he re-passed me on the final turn, had held on behind me. We rode the last 200m with me in the draft and while I couldn't pass him on the final climb, the two of us ran by at least one other B racer. I am guessing I was about 12th, but it might have been as far back as 15 or 16th.

[edit: 18th. Results:]

Like I said, really great to be out there again. You have to join in next time.

Garth, was 4th. I think Wheeler's racers were 1, 2 and 3 [yes]. Brenna was in the B race - how did you do? [beat me] Saskia to [ditto], and Thomas Hill [just behind]. Please upload reports!

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Re: VCL#1 report

Post by mfarnham »

My goal was to finish the B race without getting lapped. I achieved my goal, finishing dead last (but finishing!).

Got out there too late to warm up, nearly missed the start due to my pesky fingers being cold and pinning my number taking forever. Was sure I'd get dropped fast.

Actually my race was going pretty well until the dog (lap 7 of 9). I was near the front of the pack and was forced off the road by the canine chaos. I stuck around to make sure people were OK (primarily Stephane, the dog, and the owner), and lost a minute or two standing by the side of the road. I thought we only had one lap to go, so I got back on the bike to finish solo and didn't work super hard at it. Turns out there were a couple laps left to go. I would have ridden harder (to avoid being lapped) if I'd known. Still...managed not to get lapped in spite of being a bit lackadaisical in my finish.

I figure I had a chance to be in the main group at the end if it weren't for the dog. And I'm not in particularly great shape right now. So those of you thinking racing VCL is too hard core for you...let this be a lesson. You can get off your bike, twiddle your thumbs for a couple minutes, and still not get lapped at Caleb Pike--at least you can early in the season. So get out soon, before the pace picks up! ;)

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Re: VCL#1 report

Post by Roland »

I posted a video of the B race:
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Dog ...well the owner

Post by Julie »

Was that dog just around the corner of Caleb (just after Millstream) a bit before the finish line?
If yes, it did the same to me & Elizabeth on Tuesday when I was showing her the course. No bailing, but not good.
Which means the owner needs to be contacted...
Last edited by Julie on Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VCL#1 report

Post by mfarnham »

The Incident of the Dog in the Peloton can be seen starting at 34:00 in Roland's video. I was on the inside and so went off the road. And to think, I'd been contemplating the value of taking the outside line on that part of the course...

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Re: VCL#1 report

Post by Julie »

That SUCKS!! Are you okay?
It looks like the same area where the dog came at us on Tuesday. I'm not positive, but dog owners don't usually let their dogs roam free into the streets, so it has to be.
Someone should ride there and see if it happens before the next race, or talk to the owner, or something?