Missing my fix

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Missing my fix

Post by Claire »

All this sub-zero, arctic wind, sketchy road business certainly adds extra challenges to our chosen lifestyle, doesn’t it? And while it may garner extra Rule 9/Rule 5 kudos when we go ride our bikes in it, I do miss the group rides with dozens of people that seem so long ago now.

What’s keeping folks busy (slash sane) during these trying times? I’m still on my bike nearly every day (though, admittedly, not always enjoying it), but suspect I’ll be putting the bike away for a spell after tonight (this forecast is not exactly inspiring).

Go ahead, share your thoughts - on life, non-cycling exercise (gasp!) and heck, make us jealous with your winter holiday stories. Just don’t be surprised if we (okay, I) call you a jerk if you recently got to ride in shorts.

Only 73 days til spring!
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Re: Missing my fix

Post by mfarnham »

I did my first spin class at the Trek store today. It provides a workout comparable to or even harder than a Friday A2 ride.

My sanity might start to return if I keep that up. And yes, I was in riding shorts and short sleeves.

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Re: Missing my fix

Post by Alan »

me too...
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Re: Missing my fix

Post by Claire »

mfarnham wrote:And yes, I was in riding shorts and short sleeves.

norman marcy
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Re: Missing my fix

Post by norman marcy »

cross on the frozen trails is great
good riding good grip and a clean bike at the end of 4 hours.

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Re: Missing my fix

Post by Robgrant »

Though not riding much outdoors, I've thoroughly enjoyed this Winter. I've gone skiing a bunch of times, played hockey indoors (normal) and outdoors as a special treat. I've even gone running a few times. Yes, I'm missing the regular morning endorphin inducing group rides, but you might as well use the fitness built up from all those miles for some fun.
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Re: Missing my fix

Post by Claire »

So... the "good" news is that we are virtually certain to see a return to seasonal winter stuff by tomorrow night. Sigh... Just something else to complain about. I suspect some of us will miss the cold dry days after a ride or two in this:
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Re: Missing my fix

Post by Rolf »

I don't know, Claire. I've really enjoyed these crisp, cold days. But riding in +10 degrees, even if it's pouring, sounds pretty nice to me!