No objections here; those are both fine choices. My only wish is that someone sets aside a cup for those who can only turn up at 10 to help clean up!Alan wrote:any objections to Devil's Dream (IPA) and Dark Matter?
As usual we will need lots of help, so cut/paste the list below and sign up!
The Management
Music: we need a playlist(s) for the evening that doesn't suck!
1. Mark Shepard
Pre-party setup (4:00pm - 6:00pm)
1. Neil Forrest
2. Ann Patrick
3. Bosenberg Family
4. Michael and Pernille
5. Garth Campbell
Post-party clean-up (11:00pm - 12:00am)
1. Neil Forrest
2.Jim Wallace
3.Louise Wallace
4. Amy Errington
5. Garth Campbell
6. Rolf Warburton
Slide Show: collect/compile images from members and others, set to music, make us look heroic. Includes sourcing projector and laptop.
Pot Luck setup/take-down (i.e set-up the pot luck table and keep an eye on it if it needs some utensils, organization etc)
1. Claire (never one to pass up an opportunity to play with/be near food...)
2. Lisa H (to prevent Claire from eating all the meatballs)
3. Penny Davis (recycling station setup etc.)
4. Scott Davis
Tickets: tickets are on sale online, but will also be available at the door - so we need people to take turns at the door selling tickets and checking people off the list who have bought tickets, and selling door price tickets)
1. Ann Patrick
2. Joe Barrett
Bar Stuff: picking up liquor and supplies, helping with set-up and clean-up (we have volunteer bartenders from the Lions Club)
1. Mark Ford
2. Martin Farnham (can help before and with setup)
3. Tim Gijzen
4. Alan Cassels: THanks guys. I'm getting the HOYNE beer, cups, ice and spigots. The Kiwanis guys will bartend but you guys can help me carry the kegs from my car.
Door prizes: if you have some great connections that might want to donate something towards our door prizes, please feel free to do so and/or put your name down here
1. Claire (TBA - top secret)
2. Joe